Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Report: Exec Amnesty 'No Matter How Big a Shellacking' For Dems

It Begins: German Bank 'Charging' Negative Interest To Its Retail Customers:
Bottom line: if you’re responsible with your money and set some aside for the future, you will be penalized. If you blow your savings and go into debt, you will be rewarded

Justice Dept. dumps 64k pages related to Fast and Furious

Was Foley rescue delayed? Administration had strong intelligence on hostages, location weeks before raid sign-off

Two of the Largest Mobile Carriers Could Be Trading Your Privacy for Money

Cyberattack on Top U.S. Gov’t Security Contractor Went Unnoticed for Months

Women and children among latest Sunnis to be executed by ISIS firing squads as new report reveals how group tortures captured boys with electric cables

Court hears constitutional challenge to NSA’s collection of phone records

Russian troops moving closer to Ukraine border: NATO chief

Court rejects Obama housing bias rule as 'wishful thinking'

Will It Really Matter?

Shaheen Conspired With WH Insider On IRS Targeting Scandal

Ebola update

Demorats say: this is “an election about nothing” — when instead it’s an election about EVERYTHING

Protecting the government from good people...

Justice Department Looking for “Race-Based Discrimination” at Polls

College in Florida Gave Students Scripted Answers for Scott-Crist Debate

ATF Demonstrates Machining An AR-15 Lower And Gets Trolled Gently

Helicopter Parenting Versus Democracy

Acme Legal’s New Client: Lena Dunham

Lord Help Me, I’m Weighing in on #Gamergate

CDC admits that disease was imported along with the illegal immigrant kids

No need for a quarantine

NSA Chief Bet Money on AT&T as It Spied on You

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE!: Accused Female Child Sexual Predator Indicted

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