Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Obama and the EPA - If they have nothing to hide

Remember that saying?  "If you have nothing to hide, you don't have to worry."

Well Evidently the Obama Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency do have something to hide.

House Republicans this week are expected to pass the Secret Science Reform Act, which would force the EPA to make public the scientific data it uses to write environmental rules. GOP members say the EPA too often releases rules based on data the EPA keeps secret.

“The Secret Science Reform Act ends costly EPA rulemaking from happening behind closed doors and out of public view,” Schweikert said when he introduced his bill earlier this year. “Public policy should come from public data, not based on the whims of far-left environmental groups.”

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) has said that most air regulations the EPA has issued under Obama have been based on data that was never released.

But on Monday, the White House released a statement on the bill saying that it faces a veto threat. “If the president were presented with [the legislation], his senior advisors would recommend that he veto the bill,” it said."

Hmmm, I wonder what it is they feel they need to hide it...

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