Saturday, November 1, 2014

Quiz Time... How long can you hold your breath?

Quiz time and be honest.

How long can you hold your breath?

Up until about 3 months ago, I was lucky if I could hold my breath for 25 seconds. And I was winded, and gasping afterwards.

I have found a method to hold my breath fro longer and longer periods of time and it is very easy.

Believe it or not I got the method from a science fiction book whose title and author I can't remember now.

But the whole thing is, your mind is what is making it hard for you to hold your breath as long as you actually can.

When you hold your breath normally, your mind is thinking it is being starved of oxygen.

When in reality you have almost 3 minutes of O2 in your lungs if you are a large person like myself.

People such as navy seals have trained themselves to hold their breath for over 6 minutes and do so while exerting themselves strenuously.

And many navy seals are much smaller than I am without the same capacity chest cavity that I have.

So the biggest thing is you have to calm you mind, not trick it, but calm it.

It thinks when you hold your breath you are running out of air.

But by thinking about it logically several times, you can make your mind realized just how much O2 there actually is in your lungs, so your subconscious doesn't try to take over and make you breath.

Now after thinking it through, take normal sized breaths, about 10 or so, then exhale about half a breath and then hold it.

The first time I tried this, I could feel my lungs like they were trying to finish the exhalation. But I held it for 30 seconds. I timed it to be sure.

Then I blew the breath out slowly through my nose with a 15 count.

I did that for about a week, then I started just taking a normal breath and holding it without any exhalation.

I timed it and I was able to go to about 47 seconds.

Then I would exhale with a 15 counts again.

I would take 5 full breaths, not exaggerated, fill your lungs completely, just normal full breaths and blow them completely out and hold it.

I could go for 25 seconds easily before needing to take a breath.

Now I can take a full breath, not a deep breath, but a full breath and hold it for over a minute.

Last time I did it, which was just before I logged in to FB I held it for 67 seconds then let it out with a 20 count.


How long can you hold your breath for?

1 comment:

  1. I can hold my breath about 90 seconds.

    I have no idea how I picked up the skill, but in any case, I can do it.

    I also sink in a swimming pool unless my lungs are fully inflated. Pardon my horrible sense of humor, but I used to sit cross-legged on the bottom of the local club swimming pool (no lifeguard) for a minute or so. I'd pop up to some very worried stares.


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