Thursday, November 27, 2014


This Thanksgiving, I will be alone.  My two oldest are out of town, in school for Sprog #2 and just moved in with her boyfriend/possible Fiance.  Sprogs #3, #5, #6  and #7 are with their mom.  And Sprog #4 is with my mom.

Me, I have a rather bad cold and I really don't want to get anyone else sick, but Hey Guys!!!  I love Pecan Pie or 2 or even 3 or 4 if you can bring 'em.

My mother makes almost the best Pecan Pie of any Pecan Pie, I've ever eaten.  I honestly have to say that between hers and my Aunt Helens, I don't know whose is best.  But I've yet to have any Pecan Pie to match theirs.

So while I sit here an wait for my pain meds and the cold meds I"m allowed to use because of my pain meds try to go to work, I figured I'd write up my little wish list.

If everything goes right, I should have one of my stolen Taurus Revolvers back before Christmas.  The other one is still out there and even though I've TOLD the Sheriff's Office EXACTLY where the guy who stole them is living, he still hasn't been picked up nor my other Taurus Revolver recovered.

My Tokarev still hasn't been recovered and NOPE the young lady who broke the lock on my bedroom door and stole it, my pain meds and my back up cell hone is still able to go about her business.  It must have something to do with the fact that her father is a Local Police Officer.

Oh well.  I got my new Cheaper Than Dirt Catalog, and I remember after the New Town Shooting what they did.  At the time, I and many other Gun Bloggers swore we wouldn't give them our business again.

But with this economy, we really cannot afford to be that particular.  They have a .22 Conversion for the AR-15 that should fit my Franken-15 and since my upper has the 1:8 twist I'd really would like to see how the 60 gr Aquila ammo would group out of it, as it doesn't group at all out of my Heritage Arms .22 SA, and I haven't had time to get the Savage Pump out to run a few round of it through it.

Hmm maybe one of the Ammo Gods (Lucky Gunner, CDNN or Target Sports) might be willing to get one at a reduced cost for T&E.

What I would really like to do is to bring together someone with a suppressed 10/.22 and a suppressed .22/45 or Type II/III with a chronograph and a sound meter plus my converted Franken-15, my Savage and my Heritage, and see just how quiet ALL types of sub-sonic ammo is in a controlled test.

6 rounds of each type of ammo from each firearm with sound measured at 6 feet lateral to the bore and at 15 feet down range from the bore, while running them over the chronograph.

Perform at both 25 feet and 50 feet to check the loudness and the accuracy and just how much muzzle energy there would be left at the target.

I have a friend of a friend who can probably get or supply the 10/.22 and the Ruger with their suppressors.  My problem is getting a proper range..

My shooting backstop wall will stop .22's and .32's no problem, but I dont' really like doing it that way and I"m limited to only 21 feet.

I can probably talk to ***** at the Sooper Sekrit Gun Range and he might be amenable, however his in an indoor range and it might affect the acoustics enough to not allow accurate measurements of the sound levels.

Bud's has a nice model 10 I wouldn't mind having, but what I really want is a 3" 6 shot .357 Magnum, and the Ruger is WAAaayyyy out of my price range and the 3" is only a 5 shot and I don't WANT a 5 shot.  I want a 6 shot 3 inch .357 Magnum with a round butt.  I know they make them, but not at a price I can ever afford unless I win the Lotto.

Ahhh but Since #1 Sprog has now moved in with her Boyfriend/Fiance I gave her my other Taurus 82 and about 150 round f .38 Special, I also gave her the Rossi Matched Set with .22 LR and 20 Ga barrels in it's case with about 150 shells for the 20 ga and about 1000 rounds of .22LR mixed and matched.

I"ve been seriously looking at getting a couple of the Chiappa Little Badgers in .22, one for Sprog #2 to keep handy since she's going to school over a 100 miles away and a second one down here for the boys and I to shoot.

I"m going to get off of here now and do a quick clean up through Book of Face then go to bed.

I'm getting really tired of only getting 2.5 to 3 hour sleep a day because of this cold.

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