Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Last Starfighter 1984 (Modern Trailer

The Last Starfighter  IMDB

I remember when this came out.  The graphics were amazing and it starred one of my favorite actors, Robert Preston. I loved Mr. Preston in the Music Man which to this day is one of my favorite movies next to My Fair Lady and Serenity.  The acting of some of the actors seemed a little forced, but I enjoyed the movie as a whole.

The CGI scenes which were ground breaking at the time look overly video gamish compared to todays graphics, but if there is ever a remake and they can find an actor of Mr. Preston's caliber to play Centauri, I"d be willing to stand in line for a ticket.

Below is a Making of Special on the movie which I think you will enjoy as well.

The full movie is also available through "The Internet Archive"

If the Embed does work click on the link above to go to the Archive page to watch the film yourself.

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