Sunday, December 7, 2014


At this time Sunday December 7th at 7:48 AM Hawaii Time which is 12:48 PM Eastern Time, Japanese Planes have attacked our Naval Base in Pearl Harbor Hawaii in a surprise attack.

Photo Credits: US Navy

Thus the United States of America entered the war with Britain against Germany and declared war on Japan.

Too many forget the atrocities and horror that has come before.  And all too many forget the sacrifices made by the men and women of this nation and the rest of the world.

Many times over the years we have come close to the brink of open world war, many times we were pulled back.  Pulled back by the leadership of those who lived through the horrors of World War.  Lived through the destruction and death.

And they stood up, ready to kill and destroy those who would attack us.

And now too many forget.

Remember those who answered the call, and made the sacrifices for all of our freedoms.

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