Monday, December 1, 2014

.MIL Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps folks

I appreciate that I get dozens of hits a week from your guys and gals.  Would it hurt you to leave a comment from time to time?

I know who 2 of you are, literally.  There are 2 of you from a certain Base in Arizona that hit my little blog 2-3 times a week.

I don't mind you're here, but seriously, please leave a comment from time to time.

Oh, and Thank you, all of you for your service to this nation.  I know you are vastly under appreciated and if any of you are interested I still will burn a KTD Drive for ANY Active duty member of the US Armed Forces.  If you don't know what a KTD Drive is click the following link:  Knoppix Thumb Drive Links and instructions

Or you can look up for all of my posts about the KTD Project by clicking the following link :

All you need to do is e-mail me a "Redacted" copy of your ID Card and I will e-mail you my address to send me a new still in the wrap 32 GB USB Thumbdrive with a Self Addressed Postage Paid Padded mailer.  I will burn the files to the drive and update them as current as I can and send it back to you.

I will warn you, DO NOT use the KTD Drive on ANY Government computer without prior authorization from your IT/Intelligence Boffins.  And they will want to check it out beforehand as well.

But you will have on your keyring a repository of files that will help in an emergency situation and can boot most PC's into Knoppix.

Which has been helpful for me after a friend of mine got a really nasty piece of Malware and my KTD Drive, the one I keep on my key chain,  was used to get his system to boot and run a scan to defeat the malware so he could even get it to boot up.

So if you are Active Duty U.S. Military and want a KTD Drive of your own, just send me an e-mail by click on my name over there on the right under where it says "Send a Missive" and we'll start the process.


  1. Retired Artillery SFC working as a contractor (no, they do not get paid like we had always heard they do). Like the blog. keep it up

  2. Thankee very much. I've got a bunch of firearm related stuff I'd like to do but the lack of a good range local to me is rather limiting at the time.

    For testing handguns at gunfight range I have the other property and the ditch for a backstop, for testing rifles and shotguns, well I can either drive 72 miles one way to a rather nice but EXPENSIVE range, or I can drive 48 miles the other way for a short range with a rather cruddy setup but I can sorta afford it and the gas to get there.

    However I am working on a few things which might improve that by spring. I'm just finding it hard to be patient.

    Thank you again for your service and if you are ever in the Corpus Area let me know, I'd be honored to buy you a cup of coffee/hot chocolate or a soda of your choice.

  3. Thank you very much sir. I would be an honor.


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