Tuesday, December 2, 2014

RINO's caving to the Fundraiser in Chief

"Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) suggested that House Republicans are on the verge of breaking their campaign promise to fight President Obama’s administrative amnesty, judging by the legislative text currently being circulated.

Sessions said that the proposed language “fails to meet [the] test” established by Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus, who promised earlier this year that the GOP would do everything possible to thwart Obama’s executive orders."

Excuse me you idiots.  The people of this nation just had an election to show Congress EXACTLY what we want.  And here you go during the lame duck session trying to give away everything to the people we DON'T want you dealing with.  Just how STUPID are you people?  Should we have to get you all a psychiatric evaluation?  Are you even competent to dress yourself?  Do you need a nappy?

I mean I have dealt with people who are too stupid to pour urine out of a boot, but you idiots take the cake. I don't think it would be a good idea for you to be allowed to use pens and pencils, you might hurt yourself.

The election that we had not even THIRTY days ago was us, you know the people who not just put you in office but your BOSSES, telling ALL OF YOU that we didn't WANT stuff.

So what do you do?

You go right ahead and try to do the stuff we TOLD you that we didn't want.

Do you have to wear a helmet when you try to eat?  Are you even able to eat by yourselves?

Talk about obtuse people.....

And you are caving in to THIS GUY!!!!!

"WASHINGTON (AP) -- The midterm elections may be over, but for President Barack Obama, the fundraising hasn't stopped.

Obama is headlining a fundraiser at a ritzy hotel near the White House to benefit the Democratic National Committee. The DNC says roughly 30 donors paid up to $32,400 each to attend."

The Fundraiser in Chief.  The Petulant President.  The Dork who can't even pronounce Corpsman properly .


Get you rectal cranial inversion rectified and do the job we YOUR BOSSES sent you there to do.

Bunch of peanut brained nitwits!

And now I'm probably going to have the Secret Service knocking on my door because I called Obummer a Dork because you IDIOTS cannot seem to follow the will and the direction of your Constituents.   The people who voted you into office, the people you are supposed to represent, the people who are your BOSSES!

Bunch of brain addled elderberry snorting regurgitated owl pellets.  The stuff in your heads isn't even good for fertilizer, even if it was debiologicaled.  I'm afraid to visit DC now to go to the Smithsonian like I've been wanting to for years, I'm afraid your stupid might be contagious!

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