Saturday, January 24, 2015

California considering mandatory access to your cars OBD Computer.

But what if the traffic cop were a computer that always is transmitting data about our driving habits to a government agency? That question increasingly is being asked given technological advancements and a new proposal by the state's air-quality control agency to expand the information your car's computer would be required to collect and potentially transmit to officials.

Currently, drivers get red-light citations via mail because of cameras placed at intersections. USA Today reported that some eastern states have suspended drivers from using toll lanes after their transponders showed them to be speeders. Private fleets often closely monitor, control and punish the behavior of their drivers. What's next?

The On Board Diagnostics computer systems on all of our late-model cars now collect a wide range of information mostly related to a car's emissions. When something is amiss, your dashboard flashes with a "check engine" light and you head to a repair shop to fix it. The goal is to assure cars aren't polluting the air.

What part of NO, doesn't California understand? This is just one more little step of their planned intrusion into every facet of our lives.

How else can the Government wriggle it's way into controlling our lives?

And it always starts in California. California puts a law into effect and soon it gets picked up by the Fed Gov and the rest of the country has it imposed on them.

So this needs to be nipped in the bud.

You WILL NOT surveil my vehicle or driving WITHOUT a valid warrant signed and issued by a judge.

So until you have that go take a long walk off a short pier.

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