Thursday, January 15, 2015

Even Moar Links M-Z (Yes, yes I KNOW it's mispelled, work with me kid)

First a Tune to set the stage.

Muslim Persecution Of Christians, November 2014

ID? They Told Me That Was Racist/Sexist/Ageist/Nationalityist...

Hey, how’s America’s rail security doing?

Beretta 93R

Ever wonder where that phrase came from...?

Ok, you monkeys

Ceasar's praying for rain
Lightning flashes around
The prophet is screaming
His head hits the ground
You should hear the warning
If you read the signs
Play with your own life
But don't play with mine

There was Moses and me
When the wind took the change
He hands out the menu
He moves out of range
If you knew the action
You'd see you're so blind
Play with your own life
But donґt play with mine
Oh, oh, uh, oh, oh-oh
The shape of things to come
Oh, oh, uh, oh, oh-oh
The shape of things to come
You're not invited to stay
You're not intended to go
Can you tell the future?
I donґt think so
You should hear the warning
If you read the signs
Play with your own life
But don't play with mine
Oh, oh, uh, oh, oh-oh
The shape of things to come
Oh, oh, uh, oh, oh-oh
The shape of things to come

Oh, oh, uh, oh, oh-oh
The shape of things to come
Oh, oh, uh, oh, oh-oh
The shape of things to come

You live in your dream
I'll live in mine
May be tomorrow
We will collide
Oh, oh, uh, oh, oh-oh
The shape of things to come
Oh, oh, uh, oh, oh-oh
The shape of things to come
Oh, oh, uh, oh, oh-oh
The shape of things to come
Oh, oh, uh, oh, oh-oh
The shape of things to come

Not the BBS Software like I used to run many years ago.

Ralph Peters: Obama Would Have “Easier Time Dealing With GWOT If Terrorists Were Southern Baptists or Israeli Jews”

Color me…
It doesn't take much to make a quick trip. Both Bush's proved that many times.

Sky News Cuts Away And Hastily Apologizes When Charlie Hebdo Writer Tries to Show Magazine’s Latest Cover
What a bunch of hypocrites

A Few Questions For The New York Times About Depictions of Muhammad

Alright then

Understanding The Immortal and Ageless Appeal of Audrey Hepburn
Appreciation of one of the most graceful and beautiful women ever born.

PSA: Always Known Your Caliber (300 BLK in 5.56 KaBoom)

Another Sandy Hook Lawsuit

Charlie Hebdo Attack Demonstrates That Laws Don’t Disarm Terrorists (But Screw the Rest of Us)

My 2 cents on the AR system

Uhhh actually I did. I knew because my grandmother. She told me how under blue laws many people would get vanilla extract or listerine, and drink them so they could get their buzz on. And Mortar Maggot sounds about right.



Rahm Campaigns

Journalists for Blue Laws

When did Hollywood get weapons training?

RINOs Show Their True Color

Stupid Stupid Stupid!

House Democrats Unanimously Agree That Obama Should Be A Dictator

Paris "Peace" March: Everything Wrong with Progressivism on Parade

ONE WEEK AFTER PARIS TERROR ATTACKS – Obama Releases Five More Gitmo Detainees

Obama DOJ Caught Targeting Legal Gun Dealers – Threaten Banks to Close Their Accounts (Video)

Pittsburgh Police Chief Deletes Twitter Account, Bars Officers Talking to Press – After Calling Cops Racists

Total Boatload of Irony

Unless the "peaceful majority" takes a stand

Are You Done Supporting The Cops And Prosecutors Yet?

LIVE AT FIVE: 01.15.15

When Religion Goes Hilariously Wrong and Right At the Same Time

Who Carried Out the Charlie Hebdo Attacks?

Still Playing at

I’m coming around to Zelda’s way of thinking on this…

Take Down

Sean Penn doesn’t miss his “cowardly killing machines”

Francis Wilkinson; gun owners put children at risk

Specifically for the next ones.

Robert Lozoya; the King of all AWOL Marines

James Cooper Thomas; another phony Vietnam veteran/author

Alan Soto; phony SF soldier

Shane Ladner indicted
Boys you need to put on your big boy pants and fess up you're being feminine hygiene products.

Ahhh Lip Syncing at it's greatest. Watch Keith's Drum Playing. The explosives Keith set off, Pete says to this day is what damaged his hearing the most.

Welcome to the real “Code 3 Club”

The problem is about more than individual terrorists

Free Speech Can Get You Killed? Support It Anyway

How to hunt trolls
How Yamamanama evidently finally got NAILED! Good Riddance.

The end of the troll hunt
More about Yamamanama.

Why You Shouldn’t Support Military Fakers in the Gun Industry
Rick Taylor RULZ!!

However I'm quite upfront I have 2 years in the Army Reserve, but shattered my wrist and couldn't finish AIT. I went through In Unit Training, and drills until I was offered a choice of change my MOS or take a discharge. I was young (19) and dumb and took the discharge. If I had changed my MOS I would have been a Medical Clerk Typist but I could have possibly retired 9 years ago. Am I an expert? No. I did however finish my medical training at St. Louis Community College and became an EMT. Do I consider myself a Hero? No. I consider myself a Dad who has done many jobs, including Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS, Gunsmithing, Auto Maintenance Technician/Mechanic, Special Process Server, Stock Clerk and anything I had to, to put food on the table and a roof over my kids heads.

I AM trying to build my blog up though, however not for me. For my kids. In particular my youngest daughter and eldest son.

You will start seeing a lot more content here, written by me, but probably "Starring' my daughter Megan and son Matthew. Matthew is my oldest son who has Aspergers. And I want to show that even kids and young people with developmental difficulties can be safe firearms enthusiasts and responsible ones as well.

Plus it makes it easier for me. Those long walks down range to change targets are getting harder and harder to take, as my body keep wearing down.

Ahhh back to links, almost done with the blogroll so it's not too many more to go through.

sadly, not a new concept

“The Gun is its Own Tool Kit.” — Browning ANM2

A Little More Info on VT Fuzes

WH: Republicans Who Voted To Cut Off Funds For Obama’s Executive Amnesty Are “Essentially Voting For Amnesty”…

Jihadi Work Accident: Boko Haram Suicide Bomber Killed When His Explosives Detonate Prematurely…

“Gun Death” Kidnapping and Murder
If this gentlemen is found guilty "Beyond a reasonable Doubt" can I volunteer for the firing squad?

It’s not Terrorism, it’s activism…or something

Yes I DO listen to Classical Music. Also Classical Jazz, Classical R&B, Gospel, Country new AND old, Classic Rock and many others.

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