Saturday, January 17, 2015

Have you ever wondered?

What makes those sounds in horror or suspense movies that makes the creepie crawlies go up your spine?

One of those instruments is the "Water Phone"

"A waterphone (also ocean harp) is a type of inharmonic acoustic percussion instrument consisting of a stainless steel resonator bowl or pan with a cylindrical neck and bronze rods of different lengths and diameters around the rim of the bowl. The resonator may contain a small amount of water giving the waterphone a vibrant ethereal sound that has appeared in movie soundtracks, record albums, and live performances. The instrument was invented and developed by Richard Waters."

Isn't it amazing that one little geegaw can make such spine tingling sounds?

The actual MAKING of one of them is simply artistry itself.

No you know how those sounds that finger walk up your spine are made.

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