Thursday, January 22, 2015

Links for Thursday

New GOP Border Security Bill Removes Border Fences
If the current leaders of the GOP want to find themselves out of a job, they should just keep on ignoring what their Constituents told them in the Mid-Term Elections. After all look what the House of Saud is doing to their country's border. And we can't even put up a simple double fence?

House immigration plan slammed, spends $10B and deports no illegals
Seriously? I mean really. Are you Tone-Deaf idiots THAT freakin stupid?! You totally IGNORE what those Mid-Terms meant and go with the DNC Basically. I think if you're reading this, you also need to be picking up the phone and calling your Representative and telling Him/Her to either Defecate or get off the Pot.

Inhofe Calls Obama’s Climate Agenda A ‘Wealth Redistribution Scheme’
I could have told you that. Oh wait. I HAVE said that.

Media Hype Davos Climate Change Focus as 1,700 Private Jets Fly In
What Me? Fly Coach? That's for the Little People who should do what I say and ignore what I and my Brethren do.

New low: DNC curses 'WTF' at GOP chairman
Right after Der Leader asked for more Civility. Real Classy.

Dedicated to the DEM's and Repub's in DC

Center for American Progress, poised to wield influence over 2016, reveals its top donors

Gino would say a Target list, for our Wallets.

U.S. Not Expected to Fault Officer in Ferguson Case
I'm surprised this is even in the NY Times. Get ready for MORE Soros funded Protests and other shenanigans.

Surveillance Video Shows Tidal Wave Of Looters Ransacking Ferguson, Missouri Market
Get ready for more of this.

Hamas Praises ‘Heroic’ Attack In Tel Aviv As Palestinian Man Stabs 9 People On Bus
Mainstream Press? :crickets:

800,000 Muslims Rally Against Charlie Hebdo in Chechnya – A Country of 1.3 Million People

Bueller? Bueller?

Romney’s speaking fee at public university is $50,000, far less than Clinton’s
Why is either of them even getting paid or being listened to?

How the Brain Stores Trivial Memories, Just in Case
Evidently that's why my brain is filled with all this weird and minimally useful information.

PRESIDENTIAL PROP: Obama singled out ex-Dem staffer in SOTU speech
And this is a surprise how? He has a history of using plants in his speeches. From people passing out to planted questions.

'I THINK THEY'RE PIGS' HBO 'Real Sports' host Bryant Gumbel slams NRA
And I think he is a disgusting piece of human excrement. Remember these stories about Mr. Gumbel?

Bryant Gumbel’s “Plantation” Remark Was Thinly Veiled Attack on Jews


He needs to check 'His' Privilege.

Border Patrol shoots, kills person along border in Texas
That's about a 4 maybe 5 hours drive from my house. And I STILL haven't seen anything on the news here locally or nationally about the chase I heard on the scanner earlier. But they had out the helicopter and were looking for "15 to 20 individuals" is what came over the scanner.

Reid to undergo eye surgery on Monday
As much as I dislike the man, I do pray he heals well and doesn't lose his eyesight.

Ex-postal worker failed to deliver mail, says he 'got lazy'
Describes over 90% of Federal Employees.

Mysterious 15th-century Irish town found near medieval castle
HEY!! Maybe they can find Obama's College Transcripts!!

When I die, cremate me, and at my memorial service/wake please serve good scotch and this is one of the songs I want played.

Friendly fire: Dems challenge Obama agenda
It must suck for Obama to get stabbed in the back for a change instead of doing the stabbing.

Former Weatherford employee says over 100 workers laid off and more to come
The numbers I've heard is over 175 employees at Weatherford, and I've heard from 3 people, that Halliburton is getting ready to lay off over 200. All in the area where I live. Our local economy is going to take a MAJOR hit. All those workers who came in got hired/trained got real spending money for a change, buying new vehicles and homes. This doesn't look good.

Russia has 9,000 troops in Ukraine, Poroshenko tells Davos forum
Nawww, they're just on leave and vacation. They are on their own time, not Russia's payroll.

Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush set to meet privately in Utah: New York Times
Good, the two of you doofuses, (doofii?) decide NOT to run and just help fund raise for a REAL Conservative. Or I'll vote libertarian. I'm serious, if the GOP nominates either of you genital warts, I'm going to vote for the Libertarian Candidate and I'll urge all my readers to do the same.

‘We put dope in their bottles and watched them have fun’
Words are not strong enough for what I'd like to do to those sub-human creatures. Do NOT click this link unless you want your blood pressure to go through the roof and to find yourself filled with both soul destroying anger and heartbreak.

After Four Veto Threats, Obama Lectures Congress: ‘You Can’t Just Say No’
Hey Barry this next song is JUST for you.

Put that in your bong and smoke it. Beotch!

Florida boy, 2, shoots himself dead after playing with his father's gun he found in the car glove box

Can we PLEASE never see these headlines again people? A lockbox for your vehicle ISN'T that expensive. Neither is a spring loaded trigger lock which could have prevented this from happening. If you aren't going to responsibly SECURE your firearm, you don't need to be carrying one.

Sex offender, 35, 'enslaved and tortured woman and forced her to drink his urine every day after writing ''Property of Nick'' on her arm'

Can I PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Get my Certification back for Corrections? I WANT to be in charge of his transport.

Have the Patriots been cheating ALL SEASON? Colts complained about New England using deflated balls during game in November, too

One is an accident, twice is coincidence, thrice?

Georgia teacher, 32, arrested at high school after police receive anonymous tip that she had a 'sexual relationship' with student

Isn't this the 4th since the first of the year? Only 22 days ago? WTH!

Biden bounce? Vice president steps on Obama's news cycle following State of the Union address and hints at challenging Hillary Clinton in 2016

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hehehehehehehehe he heh heh....

'They didn't use any of my ideas': George Lucas says new Star Wars film is not how he envisioned it


Sex with the woman on top is the most dangerous position for men, say scientists - but having him on top is the safest

I wouldn't know about this. .. -. . . -.. .- --. .. .-. .-.. ..-. .-. .. . -. -..

Another song I want played at my Memorial Service/Wake This version not the Pete Townshend Version.

Are we keeping you awake? Murderers YAWN and swagger in front of their victims tearful parents as they are sentenced to life without parole

Would it be too much to ask they get sent to a prison with alot of the Aryan Nation/Skinheads?

Odd couple Pharrell Williams and Al Gore announce plans for Live Earth concert on every continent - including ANTARCTICA - to highlight climate change

And just how much pollutants will be released by all the jets and helicopters and big SUV and truck to put on this extravaganza?

Two murders a day, horrific kidnappings and even the police don't dare enter: Inside the ghost towns of Mexico's 'Murder Valley' - one of the deadliest places on earth

Nuke it from Orbit. I's the only way to be sure.

Revealed: Map shows how U.S. is now LESS affordable - but still cheaper than Britain and France in cost of living index topped by Switzerland

It sure doesn't feel like it. A ten lbs chub of ground beef which used to cost $11.49 now costs 29.89. Try feeding your kids when you are on a limited income.

Times like these are very strange, very sad, and very disheartening. However, there are times like these that are very fulfilling, heartening, and full of joy.

Russia's new peace proposal for Ukraine is 'occupation plan': U.S.
It's very simple, Putin want to recreate the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics. aka UCCP or USSR. If you don't know what that is, I suggest you google it.

Russian Spy Ship's Arrival in Cuba Raises Eyebrows
Is it 1962 again?

Nullification, Now Coming to the Supreme Court?
Hmmmm, I wonder if this is the SCOTUS to allow nullification to go through.

IS executing 'educated women' in new wave of horror says UN
Can we quit pussyfooting around with these idiots? Start the bounty system up again and send out the H/K Teams. Letters of Marque and Reprisal anyone?

Needs no introduction

AQAP says 'preparing" attacks on US, West: SITE
Bring it..

Big Brother: Can your school require your Facebook password?
Uhhh no, and if they try that to my kids, there will be a lawsuit filed so fast they won't have time to catch their drawers.

Russian bond auction flops
This is more troubling than you can think. It's pushing Putin into a corner. And like the angry bear he and Russia are commonly alluded to, what happens when you corner a wild bear? It attacks. With the goings on in Ukraine and Putin flexing his muscles elsewhere, I'm afraid it's not too long before something slips.

US oil services firms slash jobs as crude prices plunge
See my link up above. It's already happened here in my area. I"m afraid our limited economic recovery is going to take a nose dive. Especially with idiot legislators talking about raising gas taxes.

Ramen noodle truck crash blocks I-95
Every institution of Higher Education has their flags at half mast this week.

Iran Guard vows to punish Israel for general killed in Syria
And Obama is playing footise with these neanderthals.

Philippines says China expanding South China Sea reclamation
As the below song says....

First we have Putin and Russia, and now China. I hope you brushed up on your history and the term Lebensraum. Now look around the world now. What do you see?

And with that, I'll close this session of links and my inane commentary. I hope maybe you learned something. If you haven't, Well lets just say I'm sorry your teachers didn't teach you how to cogitate.

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