Thursday, January 15, 2015

Some Links

Paris gunman's safe house could hold clues to 4th attacker

House votes to undo Obama immigration actions

Questioning of prospective jurors to begin in Tsarnaev trial

Police killings prompt array of bills in state legislatures

Virginia lawmaker sworn in despite sex scandal conviction

Report: Detained Washington Post journalist indicted in Iran

Justice Dept. unveils new guidelines for US news leak probes
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Justice Department on Wednesday announced revised guidelines for obtaining records from the news media during criminal leak investigations, removing language that news organizations said was ambiguous and requiring additional levels of review before a journalist can be subpoenaed."
Which means the Obama Administration is still trying to have their cake and eat it too. Damn the Constitution and the Law.

APNewsBreak: California unveils strictest rules on pesticide

As I go through these stories I am listening to my scanner like I always do. I am hearing another call for a possible overdose with "Synthetic Marijuana" being the drug overdosed on. Our new EMS provider Allegiance, their dispatchers AGAIN screw up. I am just thanking our Creator that our County Dispatch ALSO monitors their frequency and has broken in yet AGAIN to correct Allegiance's Dispatchers. When County dispatched EMS we didn't have these issues. (And if Allegiance reads this, run your own tapes to HEAR what I'm talking about)

Farmers in dry California decry decision involving appeals

Obama to renew push for paid leave for working parents
Just who is going to pay for this? Employers? Or employers insurance companies? And who is going to pay for those premiums and other associated expenses? Who? Us, the consumers through higher prices for goods and services. Also many employers will start restricting who they higher to single MALES. That way they don't have to cover things like maternity leave or spousal leave or anything like that. Just wait.

Recidivism rate for Guantanamo detainees in dispute
Of course it's in dispute. The Obama Administration cannot allow the peanut gallery to prove their actions and decisions wrong. It would make Der Leader look bad.

ObamaCare: Need help filing out your tax return? Don't call the IRS
Just another way for the Government to screw us. When everyone screws up their filings, they can levy more fines and take even MORE of our money.

Maryland couple want ‘free-range’ kids, but not all do
When I was 10 I would walk from our home to the 7-11 about 3/4 of a mile away. During summer time I would even do it after dark, sometimes I wouldn't get home until 11 if not later. No one thought it was strange. But here is the kicker.
"The Meitivs say that on Dec. 20, a CPS worker required Alexander to sign a safety plan pledging he would not leave his children unsupervised until the following Monday, when CPS would follow up. At first he refused, saying he needed to talk to a lawyer, his wife said, but changed his mind when he was told his children would be removed if he did not comply."
Sign this OR WE TAKE YOUR KIDS! EXCUSE ME?!? I think the CPS Case Workers need to read something called the CONSTITUTION.

‘US Consulate in Jerusalem arming Palestinian guards’
In VIOLATION of Treaty.

IRS Watchdog: Elderly and Disabled Taxpayers Not Allowed to Leave Messages

CIA finds no wrongdoing in agency’s search of computers used by Senate investigators
Of COURSE not.

Military Tightens Security at Base in Delaware After Drivers Raise Suspicion

CAIR Sues California

Six Conundrums of Socialism

Ex-Gitmo Inmate Transitions Into ISIS Recruiter in Afghanistan

Fox Poll: Public Doesn't Trust Obama to Fight Islamic Terrorists

Arpaio Lawsuit Against Obama Amnesty Wins Accelerated Hearing

Adding up banking results

FBI raids office with 'Wolf of Wall Street' link

When Asked About Censoring of Charlie Hebdo Cartoon, David Cameron Offers Blunt Words to Media

Dems Were Asked to Support the Deportation of Illegal Immigrants Convicted of Violence and Sexual Abuse. Here’s How They Voted.

‘Young, Gifted and Black Coalition’ Issues Demands in Open Letter to Police Chief. They Got This Blunt Reply.
Be sure to click the link to the groups letter of "Demands" it is rather enlightening as just who is and isn't trying to make this an 'American" Society.

Why is it a few months back I could find a full set of choke tubes for my Mav 88/Mossberg500 clone for under $25.00 but now I'm having problems even finding a full set anymore?

Dems Propose a 3.8 Percent Pay Raise for Federal Workers
Yet only a 1% raise for our Servicemen and Women.

Senate Advances Keystone Bill, but Something Conspicuous Happened During the Vote With Mary Landrieu Gone

Of course, they had to try to save her seat. Plus they knew/know Obama will Veto it.

Google reveals DIY phone where you can replace a smashed screen in a second: $50 handset allows users to clip in batteries, speakers and even a night vision camera

Hey!! I'd like this. As long as I could make sure the NSA couldn't access it :p

Connecticut cop who was caught on camera as he repeatedly stomped a tasered man found NOT GUILTY of brutality

One rule of Law for us, another for THEM.

Mysterious polio-like illness paralyses more than 100 children in five months (and only ONE has recovered)

Is YOUR Android phone at risk? Google refuses to fix bug affecting almost a BILLION handsets

Evidently mine is one of the affected handsets. Maybe I need to get a new custom ROM for it. Anybody know where I can find someone to write one for me?

Two Minnesota teens plead guilty in foiled school bomb plot

The horrific aftermath of Boko Haram attack on Nigerian villages: Before and after satellite images reveal destruction caused by militants in attack that killed 2,500 people

My Ex-Girlfriend tweeted about this a few days ago and I agree with her. It is SHAMEFUL: that more attention is being given to Charlie Hebdo and not this MASSACRE.

Contractor at center of Navy bribery scandal expected to enter guilty plea

Bitcoin is revealed: a Ponzi scheme for redistributing wealth from one libertarian to another

U.S. soldier monitoring himself for Ebola dies near Texas base

Everything that’s wrong with Tesla, and why they aren’t the car savior

Gazprom warns EU to link to Turkey pipeline or lose Russian gas
Sounds like a Strong Arm Robbery to me.

The real reason Area 51 is called Area 51
Hmmm That sounds vaguely like a story I heard a few years back. Where Area 51 was named that way because of how a DOE Map was laid out into various areas. And Area 51 was one sector on the map.

'Virtual kidnapping' on the rise in New York, FBI says

Japan approves biggest ever defence budget amid Asia tensions

My cell phone just rebooted itself into EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY mode. And the battery went from 78% to 34% in 20 minutes. Hmmmmm NSA quit messing with my phone. I'll try to have one of the cameras ready the next time it does something like this. It does this maybe 2-3 times a day. And it's not just this phone. If I put my SIM card into my old flip phone it will suddenly go into emergency mode also. I'm getting real tired of it personally.

Inmates Arrested Just Hours After Release from Jail

Turkey blocks Charlie Hebdo websites as anger rises in Islamic world

Syria militants execute woman for 'adultery': monitor

Huckabee slams Obamas for letting Malia and Sasha listen to Beyoncé
Just another reason I don't like 'Huckleberry'

Paris gunman 'bought weapons in Belgium'
So they can't blame this one of Fast and Furious. Or can they? Does the trafficker have any connection with the US Gov?

UAE says OPEC will no longer shore up oil price
They have a two-fold agenda here. First to hurt oil prices so that US producers will start cutting back production. Second to hurt Russia's economy and undercut Putin. Putin has been getting more involved with certain countries (Iran)and UAE and the House of Saud don't like that.

10 Universities With the Largest Financial Endowments
Also with the highest tuition's and highest paid professors and administrations.

Iran's Rouhani says countries behind oil price drop will suffer
See my commentary two links up.

Night lines banned at shops in some Venezuela states; scarcity persists
Coming soon to a store near you.

Time for a music break

Mexican officials face torture investigation

Principal: Let students hurl canned food at intruders
Really? I've been hit by baseball bats, axe handles, skillets, and tire irons. I STILL got back up and finished what I had to do. If someone is DETERMINED, you CANNOT stop them short of shutting down their central nervous system.

More Links Later.

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