Monday, January 26, 2015

Sony has annoyed me greatly

Ok, Sprog #4 and I returned from the range yesterday, got everything brought in from the truck, and while she will be cleaning firearms, I was going to get all the video from the cameras and start editing.

UNTIL, I hooked up my Sony DVD Camcorder.

The old program I used, was the Play Motion Browser..  Sony had 'Automatically Updated' the PMB program to "Play Memories Home". Play Memories Home 'automatically' uploads all of your photos and videos to "The Cloud", and requires an internet connection.


Luckily for me, I have a backup copy of the old PMB Installation file.

However, that forces me to uninstall 'Play Memories Home' and lose my configuration settings.  If Sony had left PMB alone when it upgraded, I probably wouldn't have minded, but I'm sorry, I will NOT be forced to 'Setup' an account and I DO NOT want all of my stuff 'Automatically' uploaded to the 'Cloud'

I want to use the PMB program to import my video files to my computer so I can use my OTHER software to edit it. 


And I DO NOT CARE if I could have turned off the automatic uploads, it was forcing me to setup an account before I could even get to that point.  NO WAY IN HELL!!  I already have over 70 different accounts I have to remember.  I actually have to use a notebook with all of my accounts and their associated logins written in it.  I DO NOT want to add yet another for a program I DID NOT EVEN WANT in the first place.

Sony, you make some great cameras, and some of your software is really good, however some people don't like the idea of being forced to sign up for an online account to use a piece of software, no matter how good it is.

So I have the old PMB Software re-installed on my system, and I will be spending the day doing some editing with AVIDEMUX and AVIDFREEDV.  If I get it where I like it, I will then be uploading it to YouTube and posting it here on the blog.

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