Friday, January 23, 2015

There is no inflation.... Yeah Right

Below are the annual price increases for items that might impact your life on a daily basis:

Food at home – 3.7%

Food away from home – 3.0%

Meat – 12.7%

Fish and seafood – 5.6%

Eggs – 10.7%

Milk – 5.2%

Fruits & vegetables – 4.1%

Coffee – 4.2%

Butter – 22.5%

Natural gas – 5.8%

Footwear – 2.8%

Prescription drugs – 6.4%

Newspapers & magazines – 4.8%

College textbooks – 5.0%

Cigarettes – 3.1%

Apartment rent – 3.4%

Owners equivalent rent – 2.6%

Hotels – 7.3%

Water & sewer – 5.6%

Medical care -2.4%

Hospital care – 4.9%

College tuition – 3.4%

Postage – 4.1%

Tax preparation – 6.1%

H/t Patrice

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