Saturday, January 31, 2015

Time to post up some links while I listen to that last track

Obama has agreed to 80 percent of Iran's demands in nuclear talks

Biden: 'The Past Six Years Have Been Really, Really Hard For This Country'
Yeah, especially if you aren't in the Political Class or a Multimillionaire.

Biden: Democrats Have Made Tough Decisions That Are ‘Hard To Explain’
No they aren't, you folks have an agenda and contributors to payback. That right there explains EVERYTHING you have done.

At retreat, Dem staffers escort reporters to restroom
And those IDIOT REPORTERS LET THEM! I got this next part from Book of Face, it's a matter of the Ists versus the Ers. ScientISTS vs ResearchERS, JournalISTS versus ReportERS

How Climate Change Leads to Volcanoes (Really)
Even MORE Ists versus Ers

It Takes $108,092 a year to Be Comfortable in D.C.
If anything tells you that something is wrong in D.C., this report should be it.

Sharyl Attkisson: If You Cross Obama Admin They Will Treat You Like "Enemies Of The State"

Of course they do. There can be NO BadThink and all Loyalty goes to "Der Leader"

Want to gain entry to your office, get on a bus, or perhaps buy a sandwich? We're all getting used to swiping a card to do all these things. But at Epicenter, a new hi-tech office block in Sweden, they are trying a different approach - a chip under the skin.

Oh HADES NO! Not for a Salary in excess of $1,000,000.00 a year.

And in Kalifornia: Some Motorists Wait Months For DMV Appointments After Immigrants Law Goes Into Effect

Teh Stoopid!!! It Burnz!!!

Illegal immigrants released from custody committed 1,000 new crimes
That we "KNOW" of, being the operative word.

I couldn't find the HQ version of this, but I love this version of the song over the studio version. The studio version isn't as textured or nuanced.

Transportation Secrecy Administration: Federal air marshals say agency brass abuses its authority to hide evidence of wrongdoing.

Well Duh...

FLOTUS DEFENDS FILM: First lady backs 'American Sniper' at veterans event
WOW!, As much as I have ragged on her and her husband, I find this at least somewhat redeeming, about her at least. The jury is still out on her husband who I hope and PRAY will have to sit in front of a Jury.

NOT FOR THE PUBLIC: Minn. bill would keep body camera video private
If they have done nothing wrong, they should have nothing to hide. And THEY work for US, therefore WE have the RIGHT to see what OUR employees have been doing in OUR name.

Woman gets snake venom injection instead of Botox
Wha? How? Who? I don't EVEN know what to say other than if you cannot read the label DON'T INJECT IT INTO YOUR PATIENT You IDIOT!

Texas bill would allow teachers to use deadly force against students
You mean they don't already?

U.S. ground troops could be needed in Iraq: Chuck Hagel
Uhhh they should never have been removed from Iraq. Blame the Idiot in 1600 and his helpers in the State Department.

Romney opts out of a 2016 run for president
GOOD! Now Jeb needs to get O-U-T! As well.

IBM brings back bonuses for top execs even as profits slide
Glad I don't own any Tech stocks.

I just checked the Tracking Number on my Camera. It STILL hasn't moved since 4:51 AM CST January 29,2015. Methinks the USPS and the USCBP are messing with me, with the Collusion of the NSA.

Leaked Recording: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Goes After MSNBC for Biased Israel Coverage
This wasn't leaked, this was intentional. Jews all over the US are no longer donating or otherwise Contributing to the DNC coffers and this is how they DNC thinks they can get that money back. By making like they actually care about the plight of Israeli's. After all point to ANY other thing the Obama Administration and the main DNC Players have done to help Israel. and if you will recall, Obama's Campaign Staffers are in Israel to assist Netanyahu's opponent in the upcoming Elections. To Obama, Debbie Wasserman Schulz and the rest of the DNC it's about the Metrics and APPEARING to be doing something. They wouldn't bother to urinate on the Israeli PM if Hama's set him on fire in the Oval Office. And after he died, they'd send Israel a bill for the cleaning.

Judge’s Tough Decision Lectures About Church Rights and Protections From ‘Power of the State’ in Huge Win for Christian Law School Battling for Survival

Hmmmm, not quite sure about this one. On one hand denying admission because a lawyer went to a certain school but met every other qualification is wrong. However the school has a right to operate as their Beliefs lead them. I don't think discrimination is right no matter who does it, yet the Province doing this is Discrimination under the color of authority which in and of itself is even MORE wrong.

Outrage Over Public Defender’s Arrest Caught on Video: ‘This Is Not Guantanamo Bay’

My father was an Attorney. And knowing him, he would probably been arrested as well. Sorry Police, you CANNOT question someone WITHOUT their Legal Representative, no matter how much you wish you could.

That's Peter's Daughter perfomring with him.

CIA, Mossad killed senior Hezbollah figure in bombing

John B. Geer had hands up when shot by Fairfax County police, documents show
The Officer who pulled the trigger needs to be tried for Manslaughter.

How sorority culture contributes to the campus rape problem
As a Guy I can't say anything. As a Father, I'm VERY glad Sprog #2 has avoided Frats and Sororities.

Americans’ increasing distrust of science — and not just on climate change
When you add in the BLATANT lies some researchers are publishing, then you have Bill Nye (The Science Guy) whose degree isn't even IN ANY of the Climate Study Fields (His Degree is in Mechanical engineering) spouting off with their 'Opinions' and NOT Scientifically Proven FACTS, well you get this kind of backlash.

Lost Antarctica voyage pictures provide a window to the past
Way Kewl!

January measles outbreak reaches 84 cases
And we almost had totally eradicated Measles. Thanks a Lot Anti-Vaxxers.

Tax-delinquent feds may lose bonuses
How about they lose not just bonuses but their pay is docked as well. MAKE them pay what they owe plus penalties.

IS hostage drama shows change in propaganda technique
I like how King Hussein responded to ISIS. Kill our Pilot we kill ALL of the ISIS Prisoners we hold. The United States needs to start Hanging Terrorists up and make it a Public Hanging as well. Maybe then ISIS and all the other Yabbo's would learn.

After 150 years, Confederate submarine's hull again revealed
I want to go see this, and to pray our Nation NEVER ever comes to conflicts such as the Civil War ever again. However with the Idjits in D.C. and in certain Leftist States, I fear it may become inevitable.

Netanyahu denies wife pocketed from returned bottles
More going after the PM.

I'm done for now. I'll let Pat and Spyder take us on out. And if you ever have the chance to see them in concert enjoy a good show.


  1. Good music, but the links just show how far we've fallen... sigh

  2. I'm trying to make the news less depressing. Hence all the music.


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