Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday Links

5 foreigners, 3 guards killed in Libyan hotel attack

Obama defends US ties as he pays respects in Saudi Arabia

Obama promotes religious and gender equity in India speech
So how about some Equality for Jews, Christians and Whites here in the US?

US loans fueled insider deal, failed power plan in Liberia
Why does this NOT Surprise me?

Bodies found after Ga. couple lured by Craigslist contact
Oh, this makes me so very sad.

Federal government failing to protect children, report says
Under the Current Administration, is this ANY Surprise?

US announces charges in New York Russian spy ring case
Look for more of this. With low gas prices, Russia's failed Bond Auction, Putin's increasing problems within his own borders and in Ukraine, Vlady is in a crunch and he needs some breaks.

Greek bailout critic says he will be new finance minister
I still look for Greece to crash and crash HARD. And then withdraw from the EU>

Russia announces anti-crisis plan after rating downgrade
See my above

China says 'harmful info' must be managed after VPNs blocked
You probably think you know what this is about. Trust me you don't.

Law enforcement wants popular police-tracking app disabled
That's not all they want banned. They want less and less accountability, and apps like this can make them accountable. Yes some crazy might use it to go after the police, but more people like Cop Block and their cameras is what really makes them worried.

Gov't to overhaul Medicare payments to doctors, hospitals
all part of the ObamaCare- Affordable Care Act, price controls. The Doctors and Hospitals will be so squeezed, they will have no choice but to offer less services and allow less patients. Forcing more and more people onto the Gov't rolls, inflating the numbers. And still people will get less and less.

WHO adopts reforms to repair reputation after bungling Ebola
Get rid of the Bureaucrats. Have more actual practicing Doctors and Disaster Response trained trained business people in charge.

Added protections for consumer information on health website
It only took HOW MANY years?

Boeing, SpaceX will beat Russia on price for astronaut rides
You know, NASA STILL would have had the shuttle if Obama hadn't canceled it's SLEP Program and then canceled it's replacement to funnel the funds to things like Solyndra and other "Green" boondoggles.

Democrats, Republicans spar over Benghazi investigation
The Dem's will do ANYTHING they can to muddy the waters on Benghazi. There are Too many lies and under the table deals that if they come to light will DESTROY the Democratic Party before the 2016 Elections. Too many people have been bought off to obtain their silence. And if their being bought comes to light as well as other revelations, a large majority of the current Administration and their lackeys in Congress will be under indictment. It's THAT BAD.

CBO: Deficit to shrink to lowest level of Obama presidency
Only because there hasn't been an ACTUAL Budget. If there was a REAL BUDGET in place, the real Deficit would be over a Trillion.

Obama wants more money to fight antibiotic-resistant germs
I wonder which company made some major campaign contributions to the DNC or Obama's Library fund?

WIRE: Storm fails predictions...Six inches in NYC? Meteorologist apologizes...
Predictions are HARD. Kinda like saying "The Science IS Settled" (And the headline was changed after original publication, I'm using THEIR original headline)

The Audacity Of… What?: Obama Pushing Taxes He Fought AGAINST In Senate AND In His Book
What's that saying? "Do as I say, not as I do"? Is that it?

Video: Americans Want Obama to Repeal the Bill of Rights; Respondents blithely agree that liberties should be completely eviscerated in the name of fighting ISIS

I HATE linking to that idiot's site. If you don't want to click the link to Alex Jones Site (I hate driving traffic to his site) I grabbed the video embed code and it is posted below.

People like those in the video need to have their drivers licenses taken away, and they need to be put in specially padded rooms for their own protection.

Obama Approval Rating At 50 Percent As Republicans Abandon Immigration Campaign Promises

We seriously need to defund the GOP. Since they refuse to listen to the will of the people, their constituents, you know, their BOSSES, they need to be defunded. we need to start funding other parties and candidates. Maybe if we hurt their pocketbooks they will get the message that they 'Dun Goofed.

Admin continues to release border-crossers, prompting fears of another surge...
Fears? Fears of another surge? NO! There WILL BE another surge of illegal immigrants. It's probably already started and the Administration is hiding and obfuscating the data.

Dems complain about Hillary's 'white dude fest' campaign...
Ya IDIOTS!!!! That is because that, is where the money is. Haven't you figure THAT out yet?

To Collect Debts, Nursing Homes Are Seizing Control Over Patients
Look for more of this as nursing homes and care facilities try to make up the money they have lost under ObamaCare. Remember, they aren't about "Patient Care" they are about "Profit".

Phone Company 'Outraged' By Fraud, Abuse Uncovered In Obamaphone Program...
No their not. they got their money, which is all they care about. they're just outraged the actual numbers got out and they got caught.

Foreign Firm Funding U.S. Green Groups Tied to State-Owned Russian Oil Company
Executives at a Bermudan firm funneling money to U.S. environmentalists run investment funds with Russian tycoons

How else can they get more for their product? By making US Oil hard to acquire by increasing environmental regulations and restricting Oil and Gas Permits on Federal Lands.

Falling Gas Tax Revenue Has California Lawmakers Considering Mileage Tax Plan
The HELL with the people who are trying to make a living, we WILL get our money. and you shouldn't be driving that much anyway.

Cops: Woman drowned puppy in airport toilet after not being allowed to board plane...
Has she bonded out yet? If not when and where?

Have I said how much I HATE Paywalls? I MIGHT link to 2 stories on a site a week. SO that's less than 10 stories a month. I REFUSE to pay $9.99 a MONTH fo 10 stories.

'DESERTION': Army will file charges against Bergdahl, ex-intel officer says
There have been reports of the White House aka the Obama Administration is sitting on or holding the report hostage, and not letting it get published while preventing the determination from going to a tribunal to prefer charges.

And my back just decided to crap out on me. I'm going to lie down for a bit. I can't browse links properly while lying down.

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