Thursday, January 29, 2015

Why does EVERY Electronic Device I buy

off of E-bay get held up in US Customs/Postal Service?

Last time it was my Android Tablet, that was held in USPS/USCBP for 5 days.  It arrived FULLY Charged, and you could SEE that the packaging had been opened and resealed.  It also had a Network that resolved to an IP Address in San Diego California stored in it, in addition to the Chinese Manufacturer's own IP Address.

Now WHY? are they holding my WiFi capable camera for SEVEN DAYS!

I called the US Postal Service Tuesday January 27th, trying to find out what is going on.  I was told that my camera is in US Customs Control.  they then gave me a number that according to the US Customs and Border Patrol, DOES NOT EXIST.  I finally called US Custom and Border Patrol in Chicago and explained the situation.  The Agent in that office gave me the Direct Landline number to the Customs unit that inspects incoming mail.  I called and the Lady Agent I spoke with was extremely helpful and checked her system and told me that "No, my package containing my camera is NOT in the Care, Custody or Control of US Customs", according to THEIR Records the United States Postal Service still hadn't turned it over to Customs to be inspected.  I called the Postal Service back and spent over 40 minutes trying to renegotiate their automated phone system that kept telling me that the Tracking Number I entered DID NOT EXIST, I finally got to speak to another Live Human Being.  She ran the number and insisted that my package had been turned over to Customs and offered me the SAME non-working number I was given before.  I informed her that I had already spoken to the United States Customs and Border Patrol and in particular the Inspection Unit at the Main Chicago U.S. Post Office and I was informed that my package was NOT in their Care, Custody or Control.  She quickly found something on her screen and passed me off to someone else.

This Second person I spoke to, is supposedly in "International Shipping"  I gave her my tracking number and she told me that US Customs has my package.  I explained AGAIN that I talked to the US Customs Unit that is in charge of Inspecting international Packages, and that they DID NOT have my package, containing my camera.  Suddenly, this second lady is telling me that "First Class" shipping doesn't give a guaranteed delivery date.  Uhhh sorry, I remember mailing a letter from my parents house in St. Louis Missouri and it being delivered in Los Angeles, California 3 days later.  She told me that this is International Mail and it doesn't work that way.  I informed her I remember mailing a box to my cousin in Scotland on a Monday and it being delivered to him that Saturday.

The various obfuscations finally caused me to lightly lose my temper.  I didn't lash out at the lady on the phone, instead I asked for the number to the US Postal Inspectors Office as I wished to file a Complaint.

I was immediately put on hold for almost 3 minutes and when she came back on I was given a number that DOES NOT match the number on the Postal Inspectors own Web Page.  I thanked her and hung up.

I then called the number that she gave me, no surprise, IT DIDN'T WORK.

So I called the number on the Postal Inspectors Web Page, and not surprisingly, IT WORKED.

I explained the situation and the Postal Inspector didn't seem to think that there was ANY issue with my package being delayed.  Really?  When I explained that these delays ONLY happen to items that contain electronics and my other packages which hit the very SAME Post Office just the day before were delivered 3 days AFTER they arrived at that Post Office Port of Entry.  And yet a package that contains Electronic items the very next day STILL hasn't left that Post Office.  He saw NO PROBLEM wit that.  then he told me I should be calling the Postal Service Customer Care number.  FINE, what is it?

The number he gave me, surprise surprise worked.

The gentleman I spoke to there listened to my problem and he didn't think that there was any problem.


And you people don't SEE any problems with that?

With all the revelations about the NSA tampering with, ooohhh oooohhhh "ELECTRONICS ITEMS", you don't see ANY issue with that?

Finally I'd had ENOUGH!

I got on the web and got the number for my Congressional Representative (Blake Farenthold BTW) and called his office and spoke to one of his staffers explaining the situation.  He took a brief description of my problem, but he wouldn't take the Tracking Number.  So basically I figure my message went into the "Crazy" file.

I then looked for the number for Ted Cruz, I didn't find it but he does have a Contact form on his Senate page, so I used it.  I put in the whole chain of events that had lead me to his page plus the Tracking Number.  6 Minutes later, I got the Automated reply e-mail in my inbox and then NOTHING.

I checked and recheck the Tracking on my Camera constantly.  And NOTHING.

This morning, I got up and even before I lit my first cigar, or took my medications, I checked the Tracking Number.  NOPE, still hadn't moved.  I went about my day, got the PJ Media videos that were in my Blog E-mail accounts inbox posted and ate some rice crispies cereal then took my meds as my back was starting to spasm.

Right before noon, I checked the Tracking Number again.

And FINALLY my Camera had moved.

Yet according to the Tracking page it moved at 4:51 am in the morning.  So why wasn't the page saying that when I checked it at 9:40 that morning?  Whatever, my Camera is SUPPOSEDLY on it's way  I say Supposedly because that screen shot up there?  I took it about 3 minutes before I started writing this blogpost.  And I just checked it again and it STILL hasn't moved.  You would think it would have been shipped out since 4:51 am.  No exit scan yet, over 16 hours later.

I just want my Camera that I paid for and I DON'T want it molested by people who couldn't get a better job in private industry.

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