Thursday, February 26, 2015

FCC Approves new Regulations

"The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday adopted sweeping new regulations sought by President Obama for how Americans use and do business on the Internet, in a party-line vote that is sure to be challenged by the broadband industry.

The commission, following a contentious meeting, voted 3-2 to adopt its so-called net neutrality plan -- a proposal that remained secret in the run-up to the final vote.

On its surface, the plan is aimed at barring service providers from creating paid "fast lanes" on the Internet, which consumer advocates and Internet companies worry would edge out cash-strapped startups and smaller Internet-based businesses. Chairman Tom Wheeler said it would ensure an "open, unfettered network."

But the rules, more broadly, would put the Internet in the same regulatory camp as the telephone by classifying it like a public utility, meaning providers like Comcast or Verizon would have to act in the "public interest" when providing a mobile connection to your home or phone." 

Be prepared for the FEC and the SEC and all the other ..C agencies and branches of the government taking a closer interest in any on-line content.  In the phrasing, above you see the two words in quotes "Public Interest" which means that they can regulate content that they deem to be detrimental to the "Public Interest".  It also opens up the door for the government to develop new "Income Streams" through new taxes, and possibly requiring permits or licenses to do things like my little blog here.  Or my Blog Talk Radio Show which I need to reboot.

Keep your eyes open, this is JUST the beginning.

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