Friday, February 13, 2015

Getting ready for a Range Day

What you don't see is the 3 camera bags or the small tripods/camera mounts.  All this to test the S&B 2.5 inch Tactical Slugs from and the Tactical Industries .22 LR AR Conversion, that I bought from CTD, who I won't link to, and I also got 2 additional Black Dog X-Form 26 round Magazines with the steel feed lips, also from CTD.  I'm still a little mad at CTD, so while I will buy from them personally I won't link to them.  Sometimes they have the best bargains for my budget, but after what they did following the Newtown Murders, I refuse to link to them.  Maybe they can change my mind if they posted a public apology from the owner.  And I'd prefer it to be a video apology so I can see the owner admit what he did was wrong.

Pretty soon, I'm going to have to buy a new battery for my Sony Camera.   I bought 2 extras to augment the original battery that came with it, the extras are fine, but the original battery is on it's last legs, and I always prefer to have 3 fully charged batteries when I take the cameras out.  The old saying, One is None and Two are One, comes to mind.

So you should see some video and a new post from me, hopefully Monday, on this range trip.

Now where did I put that staple gun?

OH!  I almost forgot.  You can see my new Blackhawk Sportster Rifle Rest that I got from Lucky Gunner thanks to the Gift Certificate they sent me for Christmas.  You can also see my standard shooting bags I got off of E-bay.  This will be the Blackhawk's first Range Day outing, so I hope it meets my needs better than the regular sand-filled shooting bags I've been using.  Maybe my cheek will hurt less from recoil while testing the slugs.

And I have an idea for testing the Aquila .22 LR 60 grain Sub-Sonic rounds, but I need someone local to help me build some target frames to my standard.  I'll pay for the materials.  I just need someone to measure/cut and screw them together.  My plan is to make 4 frames that are 16 inches wide and 5 feet tall, but have no cross beam supports in them except at top and bottom so a piece of butcher paper can be stapled to the frame.  I'll set them up at 10 yard increments to determine just how much of a drop the Aquila actually has over 50 yards.  I'll use my laser collimator in the chamber of my AR to be sure that all of the frames are level to each other and the target with the aiming point marked on all of them.  That way I can determine just how much drop the Aquila has over the 50 yard range in 10 yard increments.  Just another wild and crazy thought I come up with from time to time.

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