Sunday, February 8, 2015

ISIS IS 49 of 50 States

There are supposedly 2 Obviously Known, and over a dozen possible ISIS/Islamic Training camps just here in Texas.

According to a local LEO, they have found Koran's, Urdu-English dictionaries, AK-47 Magazines that have residue of explosives on them, the bodies of 3 possible terrorists who had been hastily buried, and CBP has been told to report them as hispanic's and buried in unmarked graves with actual hispanics who have died coming into this country illegally.  Even though all three bodies had obvious gunshot wounds, they are not to be investigated, just quickly buried.  According the LEO I talk to a few times a week, there are many things being found that they are told to "Not Report" and to ignore them, instead of logging them in.  He would not go into specifics, but you know where you ask someone a question they can't answer but they sorta do anyway through body language?  Yeah, we had that conversation. 

Things I'm understanding they are finding but not allowed to "Officially" report.

Dead bodies of Obvious Middle Eastern Males.  Several bodies with obvious gunshot wounds.  One was found in the dumpster of a truckstop and NEVER made the news.

Any Mid Eastern Language to English Dictionaries

Any Obvious signs of weapons being smuggled INTO this country.  Like a safety cap to an RPG round.  (Which he really gave me the BIG Stink eye for asking)  Empty and Full magazines for AK's, a backpack that may or may not have had 3, 1 kilo blocks of what MAY or may NOT have been Semtex and over a dozen blasting caps for same, in it.  A Map with directions written on it on how to get to a certain "Camp" known to be owned by Muslims of America, said directions written in Urdu, and another Map with similar instructions written in Farsi.

Also there have been reports of Truck Trailers that had been broken into and someone hitching rides in them.  Several someones.  And they left containers filled with urine and feces in the trailers.  But that never makes the news either.

And there was other stuff he flat out would NOT discuss.  We had to cut our conversation short and he had to go back on patrol, as other LEO's had come into the restaurant, and he didn't want to be seen with me.

One of these days I'll get my voice changer fixed and he might let me actually bring a recorder and do an actual interview with his voice disguised so he doesn't lose his job.

His biggest fear is that he and everyone in his sector have been told that if they talk to the media they will not only lose their jobs, they will be prosecuted and go to prison.  He doesn't want either of those to happen, but he is very much afraid that we are about to see another 9/11 and he and his fellow LEO's will be blamed.

And yet according to the willingly oblivious in D.C. there is no problem on our border and it is secure.

Are they Oblivious, or are they Accomplices?

I've been sitting here looking at the screen for over an hour trying to decide whether to post this or not.  Are people going to think I'm crazy and some conspiracy nut?  Or are they going to read it and actually do their own research?

Well I'm going to hit the publish button.  Make your own determination, but try to do some real research, please.

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