Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Larry Fisks another SJW Idiot

The Social Justice Warrior Racist Reading Challenge, A Fisking.

Seriously go read that.

I was in Corpus yesterday and I went to the Half Price Bookstore.  Know what I found for my second eldest daughter?  The Planet Pirates, by Anne McCaffrey, Elizabeth Moon and Jodi Lynn Nye.  And until I just Googled her, I didn't know if Jodi Lyn Nye, was white black or other.  I had to Google her name to see a picture of her.

I don't care what color, sex/race/religion someone is.

Here is my ONLY criteria for me to buy their writing. 

Do they write a good story.

That is it. 

If they can't write a story that interests or intrigues me, I'm not going to waste my dollars on them.

So for all this "Support Writers of Color", and "Support Message Writers" and all that other nonsense, if they write a good story, one that engages my mind and my imagination, I'll buy it.  If they don't, I won't.

I buy books to engage my mind and my imagination.  Something that will let me suspend disbelief and for a brief while let me believe that MAYBE we can travel to other worlds.  And through good books I DO go to other worlds, at least in my mind.  If you cannot write a story that makes my mind go off on those journeys and flights of fancy, I don't want your book.

Your book can have a message, but if it doesn't have a compelling and engaging STORY, I don't want to waste my time or my money.

There are too many other books by authors who DO write those stories for me to spend my limited income on your dreck and drivel.

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