Saturday, February 28, 2015

Links you say? Hot and Spicy or Mild?

NSA Spying Wins Another Rubber Stamp: Mass surveillance will continue for now, but is set to expire on June 1—unless Congress acts.
Obama has extended this program FIVE times after he said he was going to stop it. He ISN'T going to stop it unless Congress votes overwhelmingly to NOT renew NDAA. He LIKES reading your mail and listening to your phone calls. It gives him POWER.

Vandalism in Arizona Shut Down Internet, Cellphone, Telephone Service Across State
Vandalism? Are they sure it wasn't a "Dry Run"?

Attackers in Bangladesh hack to death American blogger
People like me and many other blogger would be killed as well if ISIS ever really gets a foothold in the US.

Justice Department ramps up scrutiny of candidates and independent groups
And yet the DNC will continue to get a pass. This is to keep the others political organizations from following the DNC's lead in Fraud and deceit in fund raising.

Eric Holder's parting shot: It's too hard to bring civil rights cases
You didn't HAVE any Civil Rights cases you idiot! This is just deflection away from his perjury, lies, and flat out REFUSAL to do the job the Constitution REQUIRED him to do. So of COURSE he plays the Race Card.

IRS watchdog reveals Lois Lerner missing emails now subject of criminal probe
Now go after EVERYONE involved in the targeting and the Commissioner for LYING, and for violating the rights of everyone they slow rolled. If ANY case Holder could have prosecuted as a Civil Rights case, THIS ONE is it. And he DIDN'T DO IT!!

Mom of murdered opposition leader: Putin will 'kill you for that'
And Putin did. Putin wants POWER and he will do ANYTHING to get it. And Obama is playing twiddlywinks in his short pants instead of doing his job.

Lawmakers won't be silenced over Obama administration's proposed ammo ban
Despite the fact that firing this ammo out of "pistol" barrel the performance of the round.

California farmers could go without federal water as drought continues
Obama's intentional artificial drought will hurt farmers, first, then the rest of the country through higher food costs and less availability. All according to the Greens who supports Obama, plans.

Jeb Bush enters the lion's den, touts conservative credentials
Uhh no, you are a Statist like Hillary. No More Dynasty's!!!

‘You Morons! You Useful Idiots!’: The Report That Made Glenn Beck Lose It on Radio
I'll just quote Beck himself, "“So they know the specific language of the bill,” Beck said. “And as American citizens, the ones who will be affected by this, we don’t know that language. We’re not allowed to see it! We can’t get the commissioner that we pay to go and testify on the contents of what’s in that proposal.”

“Sound like the way the government is supposed to run?” Beck demanded. “Does that sound like net neutrality? Does that sound like these big, evil corporations don’t have anything to do with anything? I mean, it’s being written by the big evil corporations and special interest groups! Your whole point is, we don’t want special interest groups and we don’t want big, evil corporations to have special access! They just wrote it, you nincompoop!”

Republicans are told ending Obama’s immigration plan will cost billions
Uhh no, they are expecting all those illegal immigrants to pay taxes. The vast majority WON'T. SO they are expecting an increase in taxes collected, hence them saying it will cost billions. No it won't. It won't cost anything. We already are not collecting those taxes, so we are not "Losing" anything, except drains on our economy through Food Stamps, Medicaid, Section 8 Housing, and reductions in our crime rates.

And THAT is true Sportsmanship.

Special Report: The Government’s Most Secretive Agency
Coupled with their inexplicable attempts with the Army Corps of Engineers, trying to take authority over almost ALL waterways and watersources in the US, the EPA needs to be dismantled along with major parts of the Corps of Engineers.

He says it exactly. Liberal Leftists feel like they have to "Protect" people of other races, instead of just treating them as equals. In other words, they are patronizing towards them.

Apple chief hits out at online snoopers saying governments and companies have no right to spy on emails and personal data

Then why do you and Google and others try to collect so much of our personal information as possible? You hypocrite.

Proof at last that 'yuppie flu' is a real illness: Study finds chronic fatigue commonly seen among professionals is not just in the mind
I wonder if this is related to Fibromyalgia or Chronic Pain Disorder.

'Religious extremism is a virus': How murdered US blogger criticized violent radicals before being hacked to death in Bangladeshi street by Muslim militants for 'crime against Islam'

And it is. It doesn't matter if it's Islamic Extremism, Christian Extremism, Mormon Extremism, or any other type of Extremism. the second worst , though after Islamic Extremism is Atheist Extremism. If you are so anti-religion you deny or interfere with my Right to worship, you are an Extremist.

Al Sharpton returns to White House 'for his 73RD visit' with Obama
They have to figure out how to rework their shakedown tactics, since they are being called out.

Man who made thousands posting women’s stolen nudes goes after news sites that posted pictures of him
Karma is a *****

‘The good teachers are starting to leave’
Teacher need to be able to actually teach, not just force kids to memorize answers for a test.

Inside one of the most intense, and unusual, Pentagon contracting wars
How about this? No Cost Overruns allowed. If the Contractor goes over Bid, they eat the cost. If the vehicles, planes, ships or whatever it is doesn't meet specs, the Contractor fixes it on their dime. If something doesn't work as advertised, the Contractor pays the costs to fix it. NOT the Tax-payers of this country. Make it so Contractors CAN make a modest profit, but they are held to the HIGHEST Standard and the LOWEST costs. If they come in under their bid, they get to keep the difference. If they go over, THEY eat the costs PLUS face penalties. But Mark!!! you say, technology especially newer technology is hard to implement. If the Contractors cannot deliver what they say they can in the time frame they say they can, they shouldn't be bidding on the contract or getting outrageous amounts of Tax-payer money to pay for bonuses for executives or for padded bids.

Teen girl fatally shot by Denver police hit from left: autopsy
How much is CYA and Thin Blue Line and how much is truth? I don't know.

Nemtsov planned to reveal Russian links to Ukraine conflict: Poroshenko
As long as there is no proof, Putin can deny he has anything to do with what is happening in Ukraine.

Can John Boehner survive as House Speaker after DHS debacle?
I hope not and Mitch McConnell needs to go as well.

Mugabe admits land reform blunder in Zimbabwe
Ya THINK!? Redistribution doesn't work. Al you do is tear down the entire society. And yet many people here in the US think that Redistribution is the Bestest thing in the world. Because they themselves are lazy and want something for nothing. Never mind the fact that if redistribution actually happened, these idiots wouldn't know what to do with the properties and businesses they stole through the color of law and the SAME thing that happened in Zimbabwe, would happen here. If Redistribution actually worked, Zimbabwe wouldn't have to import food just to feed it's people.

Gaza floods: dispelling the myth about Israeli 'dams'
For once the media tries to dispel lies, and their targeted audience doesn't believe them.

U.S. Air Force says new bomber essential, vows to control costs
No they won't. And meanwhile they are killing needed VIABLE (A-10 Warthog) systems to fund their boondoggles, at the expense of our Nations security. All so the Generals can get a job on the board of the Contractor after he or she retires.

Obama: Hard-working Americans deserve dignified retirement

Fine, then quit strangling our Economy with your Executive Order Edicts fro on High, allow Keystone, quit trying to "Fundamentally Transform" America.

Pelosi Slams ‘Toxic Anti-Immigrant’ House Republicans
Keep on talking Nancy. Keep showing the entire country that the Democrat Party is the Party of Illegal action and Illegal Decisions

Did Scott Walker really compare liberal protesters to terrorists?
They are. They're just one Fatwa away from their "Lightbringer" Obama from acting out violently against those they consider the "Enemy"

Watch out for nasty global flu surprises, WHO warns
Of course. Just another thing for us to try to prepare for, while the Government will look at us as terrorists for trying to prepare for something they told us to prepare for.

Greek PM accuses Spain, Portugal of anti-Athens 'axis'
Because if Greece DOES default on their loans, Spain and Portugal will have a harder time trying to borrow more money to prop up their own countries. So OF COURSE they are trying to destabilize you.

Russia complains to Lithuania about its arms supply to Ukraine
Maybe if you quit trying to topple the Ukrainian Government and take over, Ukraine wouldn't have to buy more weapons from ANYONE.

Draft Chinese law paves way for counter-terror operations abroad
And if this doesn't make you concerned, you have a very short attention span.

And I'm done for now. The weather is very cruddy, I hurt really badly from my knee all the way up to my neck and down my arms. I hate spinal damage. I'm going to take a Toradol and lie down for a bit.

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