Tuesday, February 3, 2015

No Range Tomorrow

This is over me right now.  Well it was 6 minutes ago when I took this screen shot.  I had hoped to go to the range tomorrow to get some practice in.  According to the Weather guy at Channel 6 down in Corpus, this will be hanging around at least until Thursday.  This weekend looks like it might be good though.

Now I need a little bit of help.

I'm looking for an inexpensive "Sniper" bolt for my T-53, which is a Chinese copy of the M44 Mosin Carbine.  I hate breaking cheek weld to work the bolt and I won't be able to wring the best accuracy out of my rifle.

Also I really, really really need a name for someone who can re-barrel my HK91 Clone.  I'd like to get a 20" target barrel in it.

Please leave any suggestions in the comments.

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