Monday, February 2, 2015

No wonder my neck and back hurt

It just started to rain.  And here I thought I was just getting ready to have another migraine.

Time to take my meds and go to bed.


ETA: Just as I was getting ready to turn my computer off for the night, the scanner went active and I heard an officer call in that he had just arrested a minor for the following charges.

Minor in Possession of Alcohol

Minor for Consumption of Alcohol

Minor Under the Influence

Driving Under the Influnece

Marijuana Possession

Marijuana Possession with Intent to Distribute (More than 5 ounces)

Possession of Drug Paraphenalia

Driving on a Permit without a Properly Licensed Individual in Vehicle

Driving a Vehicle with No Proof of Financial Respnsibility

Expired Tags

Expired Inspection

No Seat Belt

Public Intoxication


Carrying of a Concealed Weapon Without a License (He didn't specify a weapon, just the charge)

All of those charges for a 16 year old girl driving her boyfriends car.  Her boyfriend evidently ran, and now she takes the rap for all the stuff he had in the car.

And the kicker?

Her boyfriend is already wanted by my county, and the 5 surrounding counties and charges going from failure to appear to jumping bail on drugs and weapons charges.

And he is 26 years old. 

I think there will be some more charges, for Statutory Rape, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor and anything else the PD might want to throw at him.

And yes the girl was in the drivers seat trying to drive away after her "Boy Friend" took off on foot.

I'm going to bed now.  And I'm turning off the scanner for the night.

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