Monday, February 23, 2015

NRA-ILA News Alert - Obama's Backdoor Gun Ban? Stop BATFE

The NRA's Institute for Legislative Action is asking NRA members and Second Amendment supporters to write to the  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) and to their elected officials in Washington to oppose BATFE's proposed ban of so-called armor piercing ammunition.
Here is the legislative alert the NRA recently sent our members. Feel free to pull language from the alert to share with your readers.
Additionally, here is the iframe code which you should be familiar with.  Attached is an image you are welcome to use along with it!

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" height="1500" width="100%" ></iframe>

Please share this far and wide. We  want to flood the ATF with comments!

Oppose BATFE's Expansion of the Federal "Armor Piercing" Ammo Ban and Tell Congress to Act
President Obama insisted that if Congress would not enact his gun control agenda, he would do so on his own, through executive action. Whatever else can be said of the president's track record, he is doing his utmost to keep that promise. Having failed to enact a federal ban on the AR-15, America's most popular rifle, he's now using the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) to do the next best thing. BATFE is now proposing to ban a whole class of common rifle ammunition used in that overwhelmingly popular firearm. Unfortunately, that's just the beginning of BATFE's latest move.
For the complete alert from the NRA's Institute for Legislative, click here.

Catherine Mortensen
Media Liaison
NRA, Institute for Legislative Action
703-267-1149 (desk line) 202-590-0184 (cell #)

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