Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ok, I posted this on twitter first

I was in my truck in the parking lot of HEB in town while my daughter and my ex were in the store getting some groceries.  My Ex's car has been down and she's been using my suburban but now the transmission is about completely out of my Suburban so I drove them into town in my S-10 so Michele (My Ex) could get some groceries.

Anyway, They're in the store, I took a header earlier today so my balance isn't quite what it should be so I'm out in the truck reading Measures of Absolution by Marko Kloos, on my phone.

When this silent car pulls up in the parking space next to me.  It's so quiet when I saw it out of the corner of my eye I jumped.  Car parks, and this Hipster Male, One Each, gets out of the Prius.  You can tell he is a hipster because he has the plugs in his ears the size of hockey pucks, the Rayban looking glasses, the beard, hoodie with a knit cap, not ON his head, but on the back of his head, like it's a fashion statement.  He gets out, and I can hear the woman who is driving talking on her cell phone about some gluten diet.  Hipster Male One Each, closes the door and runs into the store.  I can't hear the woman talking anymore, so I turn back to the book on my phone.

About 3 minutes later I about have a heart attack as the engine on the Prius starts suddenly and I can hear a fan motor go to high.  Evidently she was cold or something.  It's only 48 degrees at the time, and I'm sitting in my truck wearing sweatpants, sandals, a thermal undershirt and my Kepi, with my drivers window down so I can lean my head out to see my cellphone and read it a little easier under the parking lot lights.  I'm not cold but evidently she is.

After my heart slows back down to under super sonic, I lit one of my cigarillos, and go back to the book on my phone.

I'm about half way through my cigarillo when Hipster Male, One Each, comes out of the store holding on to what appear to be 2 maybe 3 wine bottles in those special paper bags they use specifically for wine.  It's a little dark, hence me using the lot lights to read better.   He opens the back door of the Prius and puts his bottles and something else in, closes the door, opens the front door and says something about "They don't have Certified Water here and Whole Foods in Corpus is Closed"

He gets in, closes his door, the engine turns off and the car backs silently out of it's space and pulls away.

Up until then, I never knew or thought we had a Whole Foods Store in Corpus...

Checking Google, we don't.  We have a Sun Harvest Farms.  Which I know about because I get grape crates from them to repurpose them.  But we don't have a Whole Foods.

I wonder if that H-M-1-E, knew what he was talking about.


  1. She might not have been cold, the prius engine comes on for a lot of reasons. Battery, sometimes defrost, sometimes just because if is 2:18.....I have owned one for years and still cannot determine all the reasons it does so.

  2. Well it scared the dickens out of me. And it sounds really weird when it starts.


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