Saturday, February 14, 2015

Some good news for a change

According to USPS.COM, my borescope camera I ordered off of E-bay arrived in the country and evidently whisked through the CBP Inspection in 2 hours and 2 minutes and is on it's way here.  Thank you NSA, for not messing with another of my cameras.  I got this camera to look down the bores of some of my firearms, in particular the C91 that is keyholing all of it rounds.

Also, one of my revolvers that was stolen is on it's way back to me as well.  It hit the main distribution facility and hopefully will be home by Tuesday.  When it does get home, I will give it a good cleaning and go over it with a fine tooth comb before heading to the range with it since I haven't been able to shoot it for months since it was stolen.

There will be pics of my reunion with it.

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