Thursday, February 12, 2015

Taylor Swift is a Class Act

"Ralke, who was seated with her date at the Grammys, suddenly saw a “lady with an earpiece” write down a note and hand it to Swift’s publicist, Tree Paine. Moments later, the fan was being escorted backstage to meet Swift."

If Ms. Swift is ever performing in the Corpus Area, I would be delighted to take my daughter to one of her concerts.

She through her on-line social media presence, get close to her fans, and lets them know through her own actions, buying Christmas Gifts, visiting children's hospital, and much more. that she truly CARES.

Thank you Ms. Swift, for being the wonderful young lady and Stellar Performer, Musician, and Singer that you are.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, she IS a class act, unlike many of the other young entertainers...


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