Friday, February 6, 2015

Three to read/see

"Who Exactly, Is Loretta Lynch ???

Curious circumstances, if that?

They have started investigating Loretta Lynch, Obama’s pick for Attorney-General and immediately they could see an interesting and unnerving connection. It appears that when Loretta Lynch started at Harvard, she co-founded an African-American only Sorority and there was only one other girl in this sorority, Sharon Malone.

The name rings a bell…

The name of the wife of the current, corrupt AG, Eric Holder, is Sharon Malone; and she is the sister of a known civil rights activist leader Vivien Malone -Jones (one of 2 black students who enrolled in the all white University of Alabama).

They checked the age: both were born in 1959 and both went to Harvard at the same time. There were very few African-American students in Harvard in 1977-1981, so it is rather certain that Loretta Lynch is an old college Friend of Sharon Malone, the wife of the current AG, Eric Holder!!"

Of course it is the same woman. And of course this is being done for two reasons. To protect Holder and Obama, and to hammer Conservatives who object to her as Racists.

"Anchor babies pay in more ways than one

A recent Homeland Security Committee hearing on immigration revealed an alarming consequence of President Obama’s executive amnesty—that illegal immigrants with deferred status may be able to receive the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Moreover, this person, who is here in the U.S. unlawfully, could be able to file an amended tax return for up to the last three tax years, possibly receiving upwards of $24,000 in tax credits."

$24,000 is more than I get a year after being disabled from spinal damage, from SSDI, (Social Security Disability Insurance, NOT Supplementary Social Security Insurance) I Worked 20 years sometimes over 100 hours a week, paying into the system. If I could physically work again, I would LOVE TO! I would love to be making $50k a year again even with working 20+ hours a week of overtime. I could afford to get my kids new clothes, instead of buying used at the consignment store. I could afford to get the transmission in my Suburban rebuilt, I could fix the furnace in my house instead of using electric space heaters. It wouldn't take me 3 months of scrimping to pay for a membership at the local shooting range. I wouldn't have to decide between getting the oil changed on my truck or paying for a P.O. Box. I wouldn't have to miss out on sales because I wouldn't have to figure out if I could afford something.

And yet people who aren't even in this country legally, could get what basically amounts to free money from the government to send back home to Mexico and other countries.

And people wonder why I am against amnesty, even if the current administration isn't calling it that.

This last one is just something cool and interesting.

WWI Steam Convoy

Go watch that video. I'm not going to post it here to steal Kenny's traffic. That is very cool though. I'd like to see that in person myself sometime.

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