Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Any Android App Writers who are interested in HAM Radio out there?

I want an App for my cell phone which will allow me to use my Android Cell Phone or my Android Tablet, with my 2m/70cm HT to run digital modes.

Already I can use my Chronograph through the speaker/mic jack, and through the micro USB jack my phone can be used as a USB Mass Storage Device.

Is there a way to make it so an Android Device can be used with something like a Rascal, plugged into the external Microphone jack on my Baofeng UV5R and then into the speaker/mic jack and Micro USB jack on my phone or tablet.  I can use either a Bluetooth keyboard mouse combo on both my phone and tablet, I can also use a USB Std. to USB Micro adapter use a regular Keyboard and mouse through the use of a USB Hub, on my tablet and phone.

So wouldn't there be a way to make it so I can use either of my Android devices to control a HAM Radio and use Digital modes?

I think if that could be done, a lot more people would be interested in HAM Radio, as they could purchase an inexpensive HT and a small external antenna like a  Flexible J-Pole Antenna, or a Mag-Mount antenna, they could then run Packet, FSK, PSK, Olivia, or Hellschreiber.  With a spare Battery, AAA Battery Case, or even a car cigarette lighter adapter, they won't have to worry about running out of power to operate.  Just think, with a small 4 Watt HT, with a good Antenna, running one of the Digital Modes, you can transmit 50+ miles.  Plus you would be part of the HAM Community and an important part of our Country's Backbone Communication System.

With a little training, you could be one the National Weather Service Weather Watchers, known as SKYWARN.  You can also listen in to the local Nets on the various repeaters in your area.  The following link is the Nets available to me here in my neck of the woods.  STARC Nets.  You can see there are Nets on various Frequencies, almost every day of the week.  From Buy-Sell to just local Rag Chewing, there is probably a Net for it.

So come on App Writers.  Can you write an Android App that will work with most Android devices to be used with an HT through an interface such as a Rascal?

I know if there was one, and if it was free/trial for 2m/70cm and paid for 6m, 10m and the rest.  I personally would buy it if it was a reasonable price.  There are probably many more HAMs who would as well if they knew about it.

If reading my post here made you interested in HAM Radio, and you might be looking for some information on how to get your own HAM License, please check out the following links.

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) You don't HAVE to join the ARRL to get help, but they do have some interesting Tech Articles for members.

How to Get an Amateur Radio License in the US: 5 Steps

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