Sunday, March 1, 2015

Evidently Reality TV is trying to come calling

A few weeks back I got an e-mail from someone hawking a new "Reality" tv show.

They didn't reply to my last e-mail.  After all would you?  If someone pointed out that you are asking a Firearm Centric blog about "Everyday people" especially with how other "Reality" shows have treated the firearms community, would you really expect an answer?

However SINCE then, I have been getting 2-3 hits a week from someone at Bunim-Murray Productions.  A Production Company that SPECIALIZES in "Reality" tv.

As you can see, they ALL come from Kenny's Blog.  How much is this me just looking at "Reality" tv in a bad light?  And how much is me being too overly suspicious of any TV show that is more about sensationalism, than reality.

I am still extremely leery of any TV show after I participated in what was supposed to be an Emergency Preparedness Show and when they refused to let my lawyer have a copy of the contract, and as soon as I mentioned giving it to my lawyer they "Dis-invited" me and demanded the contract back.  I should have kept it, I only got to page 3 of it and it didn't look right to me, hence my asking to give it to my lawyer.  I was quickly shown the door.


  1. Hey, don't be blaming this on me!

  2. Not blaming you sir, just figured that they might be going through your blog to try to find Suc.... Ah Participants, yeah, Participants.

    I know if they asked you, you'd tell them where to go in a heartbeat. And give them directions as well.

  3. I got this one too. Ignored it. I agree with you here. No way am I going on 'Reality TV'


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