Saturday, March 21, 2015

Foggy night last night

Sprog #2 Daughter #2 came down from her school on the last days of her spring break.  She and several friends had a motel room in Port Aransas and after she had dinner with me and the rest of the kids, she asked if I could give her a ride to Port Aransas, to her motel.  Her motel was literally 300 yards from the ferry landing and in the 10 minutes it took for me to drop her off at the motel and get my hug then drive back to the ferry, the fog rolled in thick.

The ferry I was riding on had just pulled away from the ferry dock on the east side of the ship channel when I thought it would be fun to record the rest of the trip.  We were maybe 20 yards away from the east dock when I started recording and we had maybe 150 to 175 yards to get to the other dock on the west side of the channel.

So you can see just how foggy it gets down here living so close to the water of the Gulf of Mexico.

The reason the ferry hand and the captain are having so much of a problem getting hooked into the ramp is the tide is coming in and the current is actually going rather fast.

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