Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Have you gotten your Link fix today?

US chides Netanyahu's party after Israeli election win
The Obama Administration and it's Race Baiting Policies have NO room to talk about "Anti-Arab" rhetoric.

The Latest: Expert: IS applauds Tunisia attack on Twitter
Question. Can't we trace the IP's of these Twitter users, and target them for some enhanced interrogation?

Administration sets record for withholding government files
The most transparent Administration Evah!!

Idaho city agrees to pay $80,000 after officer kills dog
How about making these officers doing the shooting personally and financially responsible instead of the Tax-payers?

GOP says Obama aides meddled in 'net neutrality'
Meddled? Heck they WROTE it more than likely.

Major solar storm hits Earth, may pull northern lights south
And it's already messing with Propagation on the HF bands. Listening to the repeater, more people using 2M and 70CM,because they can't talk on the HF bands. Heck just heard 7 check ins and monitoring calls on the repeater, and 6 on the 146.520 Simplex frequency also. Everyone is complaining about the Propagation on the HF Bands.

Senate Democrat's office: Aide knew of abortion provision
Yup, more LIES from a Democrat.

Envelope sent to White House registers 'presumptive positive' for cyanide
Watch for all the Tea Party and Conservative groups get painted with a broad brush with the blame for this. when it is probably one of Obama's own followers upset he hasn't gone far enough, that did this.

2,000 birds die and fall from the sky in Idaho
This is very concerning.

Obama administration offers a second sign-up chance for uninsured ...
Anything to get the number of enrollees up. that way they can use those people as a blackmail threat against the GOP for not support ObamaCare. Especially if the SCOTUS decision goes against the Administration.

Tsipras demands EU stop 'unilateral actions'
Hmm his complaints reminds me of someone here in the US.

MSNBC Guest Calls Out Fellow Panelist Because He ‘Co-Opted’ Black Language. Then He Drops a Bombshell She Didn’t See Coming

H'isted by 'er own Petard

The IRS Is Quietly Trying to Undo Limits on Political Targeting, Spending on Conferences
Of course they cut it it. Otherwise they will have to furlough employees.

‘Desperate,’ ‘Subversive,’ ‘Fear-Mongering’: New York Times Editorial Board Pens Savage Description of Netanyahu
And the NY Times is now an unidicted conspirator to any attacks against Israel from now on, as far as I am concerned.

‘I Hate Everything About This Country’: Rapper Reveals She Hates ‘Fat White Americans’ and ‘Racist Conservative White People’

Young lady, I'm sorry you were raised as a racist. Yes, YOU are a racist. The words coming out of your mouth are atrocious, hurtful, demeaning and your hatred shows you to be a Racist. Instead of trying to heal the hurts of American Society through your position of fame and wealth, you perpetuate hatred, division and racism. You say you want to leave America. If you do, please don't spread your Racism to others through your actions.

I'm really sore, so I'm going to lie down for awhile. The rain from last night still has the ditches full and my front yard flooded, and we MIGHT be getting more rain.

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