Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Scandal? What Scandal?

Hillary Clinton Tries to Quell Controversy Over Private Email

AP sues State Department, seeking access to Clinton records

I posted about these e-mails the other day. This whole issue is because Hillary Clinton doesn't want ANYONE looking over her shoulder, and she doesn't want ANYTHING which could come back on her and ruin her bid for 2016. Hence her private server and hence her evasions and distortions.

The AP can sue all they want, but they won't get anything that Hillary Clinton doesn't want them to have.

And that is one of the points.

AP sues to get access and then down the road, "Oops" they get some "E-mail" turned over to them.  None of it will contain ANYTHING that will be seriously damaging to Hillary.

Then she can point out, "Oh look, AP sued and I turned over the e-mails and they didn't find anything, so this is a non-issue.", when she gets asked about it on the Campaign trail or if any challengers bring them up.

Basically she is getting her scandals out into the public and disposed of early, so they cannot be brought up later against her.

No getting whammied

by any scandal or issue that SHE and her handlers don't control.

All this talk about Elizabeth (Fauxahontas) Warren being drafted to replace Hillary, is part of the game plan.  It forces any GOP or other challenger to split their attention, and force them to spend money trying to combat BOTH Hillary and Faux.  With the GOP financing brigade firming up behind Jeb (ptooi) Bush-League, the possibility of having TWO DNC Contenders both female with strong support bases, will scare off many people from donating.  They would probably see it as a waste of money to give to ANY GOP Candidate, as they would figure that either Shrillary or Faux Warren will get the Nomination, and ALL of the DNC's stooges will line up behind either or.

So this ISN'T a scandal for Shrillary.  This is her clearing the gun ports against any possible lever that the GOP or other serious challenger might bring.

So don't expect this AP Lawsuit to bear any real fruit.

This is ALL "Smoke and Mirrors".

Although, I do have to wonder if O'BUMa will set his OFA Machine, behind either of them due to his narcissism and need for self aggrandizement.

He might decide on a THIRD Candidate, probably Black and Definitely a Woman, to be the Candidate he will support, and his own disciples will as well.

Probably someone who can undercut Shrillary's own qualifications of being Bill's partner, and has already dipped her finger into the pond through meaningless but EXPENSIVE programs.  Who has been spending Tax-Payer money to "Visit" with other world leaders right under our noses.

Think about that.

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