Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lucky Gunner - Want to Win Ammo at the NRA Annual Meeting?

2015 NRA Annual Meetings
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Hey Lucky Gunners!

We're just a couple weeks out from this year's National Rifle Association Annual Meetings and the team here at Lucky Gunner is pretty excited to welcome a whole heap of other shooters to our home, The Volunteer State!

If you're planning to make the trip to Nashville, let us be the first to welcome you to Tennessee. Plus, with it being the week after Easter, we thought a little ammo hunt around the convention would be fun. Really, we want to give you the chance to leave Music City USA with more than just some memories and country music stuck in your head.

So, if you'd like to play along and possibly take home one of a bunch of prizes as big as a $500 Lucky Gunner gift card, here's how to get in on the action:

1.) Let us know you're coming to Nashville and will have a car at this year's NRA's Annual Meetings by signing up here.

2.) We'll send you a Lucky Gunner bumper sticker to put anywhere on the back of your vehicle. (If you're curious, the sticker looks like this).

3.) We'll have a Lucky Gunner prize patrol randomly awarding cars and trucks that display bumper stickers. We're planning to be out and about in the parking lots near the Nashville Convention Center on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the convention so even if you're only coming for a day, you have a chance to win.

4.) You might be surprised with a certificate for free ammo and shooting stuff from Lucky Gunner as you get back into your vehicle and leave the Nashville Convention Center!

To make sure we have enough time to get your bumper sticker mailed to you, please Click here and let us know by the end of the day on March 27. We'll follow up in about a week with your bumper sticker and more details!
Sign Up Here!
Either way, thanks for being part of our community of Lucky Gunners. If we don't catch you at this year's NRA Annual Meetings, we hope to see you in 2016 in Louisville, Kentucky!
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P.O. Box 32747
Knoxville, TN 37930

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