Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mark One Bounty - Defense Distributed

Companies like to pile on Defense Distributed, like we don't all know how this story ends. The most recent is a company called Mark Forged in Cambridg
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Companies like to pile on Defense Distributed, like we don't all know how this story ends. The most recent is a company called Mark Forged in Cambridge that sells a carbon fiber 3D printer called the Mark One.
The Mark One
I bought this printer a year ago and waited that long for them to decide they didn't want to sell it to me after all. Before the weekend they returned the money and told me due to business risks they wouldn't sell it to me. Now Wired has the story and the company has invented some new terms of use to preclude DD from using the device at all.
Yet another of our bad faith dealings with White Liberals for NATO.
On YouTube
But in all seriousness, I'm going to get this printer. And, as I told them, I'm going to print a gun with it. These hurried attempts by almost everyone in polite society to impede my company in its purpose are efforts of last resort. Last hope attempts at diverting this world from its final conditions.
I will pay $15,000 to the first person who can get me the Mark One printer.
email me at crw at defdist.org if you can help.
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