Sunday, March 1, 2015

Matt Bracken - Why the Left loves Islam

“Why the Left Loves Islam”

Both socialism and Islam are parasitical fascist systems where the elite bosses feed as vampires upon the productive citizenry under their control. Under totalitarian Islamic Sharia Law, productive “people of the book” (Christians and Jews) are tolerated as “dhimmis” (officially subjugated 2nd class citizens) to the degree that the local emirs and sultans decree they should be tolerated. This allows the Muslim bosses to ease their grip or tighten it at will. In socialism this relationship finds many parallels.

For example, Lenin himself, during the disastrous “war Communism” period following the revolution and civil war, allowed the “New Economic Policy” or NEP, where a limited form of capitalism was permitted in order to get the flat-lining economy moving again. Once it was moving, the Communist bosses mass-murdered the successful NEPers, namely the so-called “Kulak class.” The Castros in Cuba have made similar moves over the decades, with Cuban NEPs cycling with harsh Communist crackdowns. Today in Venezuela the productive are tolerated in order to exploit their economic vigor, or they are rounded up and imprisoned, purely at the whim of the elite socialist bosses.

Under Islam, the local Muslim bosses can decide in one place and era to tolerate the dhimmis and exploit their economic vitality (Spain during “Al-Andalus” post 711AD), or wipe them out in a genocide (many examples, the Turkish genocide of the Armenians and other Christians during the early 20th century is just one). But the degree of freedom permitted to the subjugated dhimmis is totally up to the local Muslim power structure. From tolerance to genocide, all is permitted when it comes to Muslims dealing with infidels. The Muslim is always the master, the infidel is always the subjugated dhimmi.

This also is seen in Muslim marital relationships, and in their ownership of slaves. A Muslim husband or slave master can be a wonderful, enlightened and tolerant man, or he can be a ruthless exploiter, brutal rapist and even a killer. It is totally up to the master how he disposes of a slave, or a wife. That is the fate of the dhimmi under Islam. Your Muslim masters will hold your complete fate in their hands.

And leading elite Leftists are totally fine with that power structure. It’s very similar to how they see the world. In the view of the Left, the productive class consists of greedy exploiters who should be taxed heavily, in order to redistribute their ill-gotten wealth to the needy, poor and oppressed. In doling out this stolen largess, the elite bosses of socialism attain all power, and live like sultans and pashas.

In coming years, expect that leading progressive socialist leaders, who today mysteriously promote tolerance for and approval of massive Muslim immigration, will suddenly announce that they have discovered that Mohammed is the last messenger of world socialism, raise their right index fingers, and repeat the Shahada oath declaring their submission to Islam, while dreaming of both Marx and Mohammed.

And that is why the Left loves Islam. They both hate freedom and worship pure power.

Matt Bracken

From WRSA:Bracken: Why The Left Loves Islam

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