Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Some links from a guy with one eye swollen

I've got some KTD drives I'm burning for some folks going on and my eye is still swollen, so here are some links, and not too much commentary from me on this one.

“Conservatives look at the facts and reach conclusions. Liberals look for facts to support their conclusions.”
This is from Jameson Parker, Actor, of Simon and Simon fame.  This is from his personal blog. And his blog has been added to the blogroll. The name of his blog is "Barking Backwards"

But this is not about guns. This is about a handful of billionaires buying the laws they want in states where they don’t even live. The way I see it, if you think that constitutes democracy in action, then you really are too stupid to do your own thinking.

This is an editorial Mr. Parker wrote as well.

Most Minnesota Carry Permits applications are approved

How is that SAFE Act working out for Ya?

The next marketing frontier: Your Medical Records

The Question Before the Supreme Court: Does "State" Mean "State"?

Why Our Children Don’t Think There Are Moral Facts

National Archives and Records Administration SHOOTING FOR SURVIVAL, ca. 1960 - ca. 1969

Uncle Sam’s Databases of Suspicion

New Research Discovers That Depression Is An Allergic Reaction To Inflammation

Imam Who Said Ayaan Hirsi Ali Deserved Death Penalty Was Hired By DOJ To Teach Muslim Classes To Federal Prisoners

He Said That? 2/20/15

Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TED University of Nevada (Video)

University Freaks Out Over ‘Offensive’ Poster & Cancels Charity Event – Then Silences Students

Colorado Springs first-grader suspended after pointing fingers in shape of gun at classmate

Why Facebook workers access your account (without a password)

The bottom one is a SBR if you put it up to your shoulder, but a handgun if you don't. Clear as mud

Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron - Trailer 3

Seven Things You Should Know about the IRS Rule Challenged in King v. Burwell

Government spying might be making your cell phone service crappy

Obama's plan to federalize police

Rahm could actually lose

Alibaba to open US data center in new challenge to Amazon

Using Private Email, Hillary Clinton Thwarted Record Requests

Media Matters founder wants New York Times 'correction' on Hillary emails report

Who Is Eric Hoteham? Clinton Private Server Listed Under Mysterious, Untraceable Name

Cop Busted Stealing Ammunition Because It Was ‘Too Expensive’

Boehner escapes jam on DHS vote, but more GOP battles loom

Cruz unveils ObamaCare alternative

Awash in cash, Bush asks donors not to give more than $1 million – for now

Bozell & Graham Column: Obama's War on Transparency

Dems throw temper tantrums after Netanyahu made Obama look stupid

Revelation About Hillary Clinton Emails Catches Democrats Off Guard

The Mumbo-Jumbo of ‘Middle-Class Economics’

Obama says “nothing new” from Netanyahu; actually I agree [VIDEO]

Michelle Obama's School Lunches Suck So Bad Some Schools Are Bribing Kids With This

CIA Whistleblower face 100 years for Exposing Gov’t Lies

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states, report finds

Did the administration lie about Obama's immigration action? - The GOP leadership surrenders on O's amnesty on same day WH deputies admit they hid 100,000/3yr amnesties from Tex judge

Mississippi AG’s investigation of Google halted by federal judge

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