Monday, March 9, 2015

Some Links to make you go Hmmmmmmmmm

Put CCTV in EVERY home: Householders should help us trap burglars, says Scotland Yard chief
Remember that TV you're not supposed to talk in front of. Remember the book 1984? And the movie? Nooooo there is no problem with putting CCTV in everyone's houses....

Jean-Claude Juncker calls for creation of EU army
Uhh, the EU is falling apart. The ONLY 3 countries that have any real military or financial force and staying power are the UK, Germany and Switzerland. And Switzerland isn't a part of the EU really. They are just the banker making money on fees and behind closed door meetings and agreements.

Fresh drone flight over sensitive French military site
And why aren't they DFing the control signals then shooting the drone down. There are THOUSANDS of hunters who can shoot that thing down if they have the right ammo.

Russia’s anti-American fever goes beyond the Soviet era’s
Dang it Obama!! You've already made it so I couldn't get a hot Israeli or Georgian (The Country not the State) wife, now you're going to put Russian women off limits? What's next? Chinese, Japanese and Korean women?

Obama: ‘We’re the Slaves Who Built the White House’
This from an Arab/Caucasian American who might not even be an American. But sure as heck IS Arab, NOT Black.

Venezuela to install finger scanners in supermarkets to tackle hoarding, panic buying amid shortages
Maybe if you hadn't taken control of all the industries that were paying something called "TAXES" to the government and tried to run it when you have NO IDEA what you are doing, you might be in a better position. Honestly, and I hate to say this, look for the start of very violent outbreaks in Venezuela. First there will be a LOT of anti-Government protests, then look for the Government to hurt/kill a bunch of people breaking up those protests. Then be prepared to hear about people disappearing for no reason. If the estimates I read are right, there might be total and complete civil disruption in VZ before the end of June.

Some Iraqi troops show up for US-led training ill-prepared, Dempsey says
Maybe if our troops hadn't been pulled out because Obama dn Clinton as Secretary of State couldn't work out an agreement, the incoming soldiers might have the minimal training they need but don't have.

'I MADE IT CLEAR' McConnell vows no debt default as deadline nears
In other words, he is going to cave to whatever the Democrats want, because he is trying to kill the Conservative Faction in the GOP.

Obama says he learned of Clinton using private email through news reports
The fact that there are people who believe this shows just how stupid the Democrats have made the electorate. NO President is ALLOWED to be this out of touch unless the WILLINGLY choose to do so.

Russian court charges 2, detains 3 others in killing of Putin critic
Smoke and Mirrors, anything to throw suspicion on anyone else other than Putin.

St. Lucia leader says island nation's police force kept 'death lists', planted evidence
If you think that is only happening there or it couldn't happen here, you are very gullible and stupid.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, potential Republican presidential candidate, says he’s never sent an email
Oh HELL NO! He is Too Stupid and Disconnected. I swear if the GOP doesn't run a TRUE CONSERVATIVE, I will vote straight Libertarian AGAIN!

Does House Minority Leader Pelosi really hold all of the cards?
The Dems have something of Boner, and BONER Make sure you get it right B-O-N-E-R, has SOMETHING being held over him. Either the Dems have it, or the RINO's are so terrified of the Conservative wing, they will do ANYTHING to castrate them.

$3 billion budget gap ball bounces into court of GOP lawmakers after they panned Wolf's plan
Cut from DHS, IRS, BATFEIEIO, EPA, NEA, Any other golden geese I haven't mentioned?

Wisconsin capital marked by third day of protests after police shooting
Personally I got OUT of Law Enforcement because I couldn't trust the people I worked with. The mind-set of "US versus THEM" is so entrenched in Law Enforcement, that they are just that. LAW ENFORCERS, and not Peace Officers. That needs to change. Get rid of all the bad apples, bad administrators and policy makers and start over with SERVICE t the People.

Lippert to leave hospital after attack
I wish him well and I'm praying he has a full and quick recovery. He sounds like a good man. and we need more like him.

Tokyo fire bombing survivor fears Japan starting down road to war again
I'm afraid he's right. But not for the reasons he is though. China is trying to strut their stuff and muscle into all the areas that could strangle Japan and the Far East through resource control. Japan might be FORCED onto a warlike or belligerent status, and not from their own choice.

Do you have any idea how long it takes to perform a full format on a SanDisk USB Thumb Drive? This one in my netbook has been formatting for over 2 hours now. Kingston Drives only take 40 minutes. But the SanDisk Drives last MUCH longer. PNY Drives take about 90 minutes and they last longer that then Kingston ones, they still don't last as long as the SanDisk ones.

MLK Lieutenant at Selma Ceremony Is So Insulted by George W. Bush’s ‘Presence’ That She Refuses to Take Part in Day’s Biggest Moment

You tell me who is Racist. The man who did everything he could to include EVERYONE in this nation, or the person who doesn't want a white man to walk in a commemoration of the Civil Rights?

‘I’ve Heard You Play This Game Before’: Hillary Clinton Defender Gets Pinned Down and Interrogated by Fox Host in Explosive Interview

Oh For Crying Out Loud! She used her own server so she could CONTROL access to her e-mails and the e-mails of her assistants. She FULLY intends to run again in 2016, and she wanted to be SURE she could control who got WHAT so something wouldn't sandbag her. The only problem is, NO ONE was supposed to find out about her private server. Now that it's in the news, all of her and Bill's sycophants are doing everything they can to down play this and cover for her.

Dems ask Trey Gowdy to drop his Hillary Clinton subpoena
See link above about sycophants.

Lawmaker to Obama: Have you seen the Constitution?
Yes he has. He has been using it to light his cigarettes.

Dems force Senate to delay key vote on Iran nuclear agreement
They don't have the leverage they need yet to make the vote come out the way they want, nor can they make it look like this is all the GOP's fault if it blows up, but they can take the credit if it's good.

John Kerry Wraps Up Latest Round of Nuclear Talks With Iran. A Few Days Later, Iran Unveils Brand-New Missiles
And Kerry and Obama still don't know that have been shat upon.

The Islamic State Is Wiping Out All Remnants of an Ancient Civilization
And the so called Leader of the Free World says? **crickets** **crickets** Bueller?, Bueller?, Ferris Bueller?

Feds Reveal Airport Security Drug Smuggling Scheme in San Francisco Involving TSA Screeners
TSA should stand for The Serving ourselves Agency.

CIA Director Announces Sweeping Reorganization of Spy Agency
The Central Intelligence Agency STILL hasn't recovered from the Clinton Downsizing that destroyed DECADES of HUMINT Assets. The CIA lost Intelligence Assets that they had been building since before the Vietnam War. I KNOW for a FACT that a ring they had in Iran AND Iraq was destroyed because the CIA wasn't allowed to help their assets get out of the region. I PERSONALLY lay the deaths of 13 men, women and children on Bill Clinton's downsizing of the CIA. I went to school with the son of one of the men who were killed. He was PROUD of the fact that his family was helping the CIA in the Middle East, and he hoped to get his Citizenship and to go to work for the CIA after he got his degree. 3 years later he and his entire family were dead. I dread what HUMINT Assets are being left behind like the Doctor who helped us Identify Osama Bin Laden. Has he been expatriated? Are he and his family relocated? Are we able to provide security for him and his family?

The Federal Gov’t Tells Consumers How to Protect Their Private Data
When they STILL haven't secured the ObamaCare (ACA) website and consumer information, and the IRS has screwed over thousands if not millions of tax-payers. they are going to tell US how to protect our information. Right.

Obama Complains It’s Easier to Buy a Gun Than a Book or Fresh Vegetable
Where? It would be easier than having to go to my local FFL dealer and to fill out a form 4473, give over my drivers license to be checked through NICS and NCIC everytime i want to purchase a firearm. and my local Sooper Sekrit Dealer has some SWEET SXS 12 gauges in stock I Really want.

The Islamic State appears to fray from within
A LOT of it has to do with the current price of oil. They can't make enough money to PAY their fighters. What? You thought they were in this for altruistic reasons? There was a video that got translated, and a "Foreign" fighter said he came to take what he wants and to own slaves. They ai't getting paid or sex so they don't want to follow the leader any more until they DO get paid and get sex.

In campaign against terrorism, U.S. enters period of pessimism and gloom
If the Head Shirt in DC actually CARED and wasn't cheering for the other team, ISIS/ISIL could be taken care of in a few months with minimal casualties. But HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THE US OR ANYTHING ELSE! Except himself.

Health care for veterans goes high tech
AND IT STILL ISN'T WORKING!!!6 of my friends are Vets like I am. Difference, I have Medicare, THEY have a mixture of the VA AND Medicare. And the VA Records system is a JOKE. My neighbors records, are SUPPOSED to be in the computer. Part of them are, but the REST of his file is just that a file over 4 inches thick that has to be transported with him when he goes to the Corpus or Victoria VA Clinics.

New postmaster general pledges ‘faster pace of change’
Why does it take THREE DAYS for a letter I mail to Corpus, which is 45 miles away, to get there? THREE DAYS to go 45 miles.

Mortgages grow easier to obtain as insurance fees drop and rules recede
Didn't we already go through this?

Man Taking Photo of His First Snowfall Shot Dead in Dallas
Oh Lord. I pray for his family, and I pray his killers are caught quickly and brought to justice swiftly.

Tanzania albino boy loses hand in latest attack
Can we please move him and his family here to the US and give them Residency? Please?

300-plus British IS jihadists have returned home: report
Under the Laws of War Article 47 under "The Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts", all those men are Mercenaries. And If I remember Correctly, the UK has a Law SPECIFICALLY Targeting Mercenaries. Also if I am remembering correctly they USED that law in the 70's against a lot of chaps that joined Major Mad Mike Hoare, for his adventures in Africa.

DNA clears Nevada woman imprisoned 35 years for murder
What gets me, is that there are STILL many Prosecutors and Police Officers who will do anything and everything they can to STOP DNA Testing on old cases. Even if the person they put in prison is innocent, they are more concerned with their record and the possibility of being held liable.

Putin describes secret operation to seize Crimea
Putin is trying to rebuild the USSR/CCCP. He is an Empire Builder. He wants the good old days of being at the top of the heap, and everyone and everything is his and his buddies for the grabbing.

Chechen confesses involvement in murder of Russia's Nemtsov
Me personally, I don't believe it for a second. This guy probably has some family being threatened, which is why he copped to it.

Sean Penn has "no apologies" for his green card joke
Of course not. He's a Hollywood Liberal, he is ALLOWED to say things like that and get away with it.

Pilots set for first round-the-world solar flight
I wish this folks the best and I hope they can do it.

Money seized from Brazil magnate vanishes from court safe
Now let's watch as the court case is dismissed for lack of evidence. And either the judge or the court clerk buys a fabulous new mansion and a bunch of cars and goes on a spending spree.

China to implement new anti-graft law
Which doesn't apply to the current leadership. Sorry...

And that is it from me. I have a KTD Drive burning, and I have a video to upload to YouTube.

The Kids are out of school all week for Spring Break. I fear for my sanity......

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