Sunday, March 22, 2015

Some Sunday Links to start your week

A disputed diagnosis puts parents in prison
If you read any of these links I've put up today be sure THIS ONE is one of them. It will take you quite a bit to read the whole article, but it is NECESSARY for you to do so.

Khamenei calls ‘Death to America’ as Kerry hails progress on nuke deal
The Cluelessness of Kerry and Obama on this are totally showing just how much Obama's Administration has destroyed the credibility of the United States. I can almost GUARANTEE, that as soon as ANY other politician gets into the Oval Office, there will be a major conflict which the US will be FORCED to enter. And we will LOSE! Obama and his minions have destroyed too much of our capability, too much of our infrastructure, that we will be hard pressed to even keep afloat. With the sky rocketing debt payments, we simply won't have the money to rebuild or military to where it is needed to handle any conflicts. It is to the point if another Haiti happened, we would be hard pressed to even meet the need for humanitarian needs.

Police departments hiring immigrants as officers
With thousands and thousands of our military personnel being down sized, and fored out, that this is even being considered is a calculated insult and intentional move to dilute our law enforcement agencies even further.

Undocumented Immigrants Failing To Appear At Hearings Increasing The number of people who did not show up grew by 153 percent in the last four years

Only 153%? That's just the number that they are actually copping to. I pretty sure the true number is even higher.

Islamic State calls on backers to kill 100 U.S. military personnel
And the Obama Administration will take NO precautions to secure our troops and their families. And when an attack is actually carried out? The Administration will call it "Work Place Violence" or something else entirely.

Greece fights German bailout demands with Nazi-era claims
I've said it many times, Greece is trying to blackmail the rest of the EU into propping up their economy. Seriously, I'm afraid of some of the things I've been hearing/reading, coming from Greece, Germany, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Italy, Spain and Portugal's economies are about to deadline. From a few of the things I've heard, Spain and Portugal will be crashing probably this Summer, Italy might have until the end of the year. MIGHT. When all of those economies crash, Venezuela's current problems will look like a cakewalk. One of the people I talk with is saying that might be the kick off of World War III. If the crashes happen, he says ISIS and Iran will take advantage and kick off a war which will drag EVERYONE in. Boko Haram, and other groups will also kick up their actions in Africa, and it will truly become a "World War"

80,000 ObamaCare tax forms on hold
I've heard two different arguments on this. Either the Administration is holding the form until after the Court Case is decided or the Administration is holding them hostage intentionally to cause problems they could blame on the GOP to try to stir up unrest in the electorate. I think it might be a combination of both.

Dems want to empower Boehner
Boehner made a deal to hold on to power in the House. He and his Cronies in the GOP are doing EVERYTHING they can, including making a deal with the DNC to lessen the effectiveness of the Tea Partiers in the GOP. The GOP is trying to do anything they can to maintain the power of the left side of the GOP and they ARE Leftists. Power at any cost. As it stands right now, I REFUSE to vote for ANY Republican. I will vote straight Libertarian from now on. Watch me GOP. I WILL do anything I can to cut you and your cronies in the DNC out of ANY power in our Nation's Government.

Russia threatens to aim nuclear missiles at Denmark ships if it joins NATO shield
Putin is doing anything and everything he can to reform the USSR/CCCP, and he already has a hardon against the "Low Countries" From Finland and Norway before WWII and after. He WANTS to force them to do his bidding and failing that he wants to destroy them.

Is NYC’s new gunshot detection system recording private conversations?
Uhhh Yes. You would be surprised just how many ways you are recorded. From the NSA turning on the microphone of your cellphone, to CCTV cameras that have microphones on them. A friend of mine found out that someone had hacked his security system computer. Since he has it setup so he can check his home from his cell phone, someone hacked his system and was watching even inside his house. He found out after having problems with a program on the computer than runs his system so he took it down to work on it. He found recordings of his wife and daughter on the hard drive in a hidden directory he didn't put in and the security program didn't put in. After decompiling the errant program he found out it was redirecting his cameras to an IP in Latvia. If some random hackers can get in to your security system, imagine what the government can do.

Chicago Mayor’s Race Is Cast as a Test of Liberalism
The Unions finally figured out they were being played for suckers. And Obama's Political Machine is now reaping what it sowed.

STOP THE 'TANTRUM'? McCain tells Obama to focus on ISIS over Israel
He won't, he will was thwarted, and he is a petulant child throwing his temper tantrum because he didn't get his own way.

Obama rips Netanyahu’s election rhetoric
Pot - Kettle

Mystery royal 'was part of suspected paedophile ring being investigated by Scotland Yard but the inquiry was shut down for national security reasons'

"National Security" can hide many crimes from prosecution. Just Ask Obama.

University of Virginia president calls for review into powers held by state's liquor agency after black student is slammed to the ground by cops

Thugs with Badges and their agency has a History of abuses.

Teen gunman arrested for 'shooting dead Philadelphia while he was out walking his dog'
And the rest of the MSM? **crickets**

Sierra Leone's President has ordered a three day lock down forcing the country's entire population to stay in their homes to try and stop the spread of deadly Ebola

And the WHO STILL hasn't responded properly.

Forest service workers ordered to see whether they are secretly racist with 'unconscious bias' tests
Are you kidding me?

Scottish fisherman nets Russian submarine after it strayed inside British waters in the North Sea
50 Shades of Sweden

'Anybody that doesn't arm themselves is asking for trouble': Army veteran, 84, fends off a robber by whipping out his handgun

Concealed Carry SAVES Lives.

Meet the man whose utopian vision for the Internet conquered, and then warped, Silicon Valley
I'm sorry, but there should be "NO" Back Doors, and unless the Agency in question has a VALID Warrant not based on assumptions, hearsay or wishful thinking but FACTS, I'm not allowing anyone access to my systems. If they have a Valid Warrant, they may help themselves. I won't stand in the way other than ensuring the Warrant is valid. It is EVERY Citizen of this Country's DUTY, to help when there is a Valid Warrant. However, if the Warrant is INValid, it is also every Citizen's DUTY to hinder and challenge any Agency which would run Roughshod on our Rights.

Colorado woman admits cutting fetus from stranger's womb: court papers
Please Please Please put this woman in General Population.

US can prevent Iran developing nuclear bomb: CIA director
No they can't. They can't even keep their own employees from downloading child porn. What makes them think they can keep Iran from getting the bomb?

Gun control advocates lose another round with departure of ATF chief
Just wait, Obama is going to bring in a Ringer and throw another Tantrum because he can't get his way. Just watch.

CIA director: Iran general 'destabilizing' efforts in Iraq
Of course they are, they are the Darhel in the equation.

Lawmakers: Funding education for Texas veterans is too high
No it isn't. The tuition of those place of Higher Education is what is too high.

Obama says it is now 'hard to find a path' on Israeli-Palestinian peace
Especially since he is doing everything he can to rape the Israeli's.

That's all for now. More links later if my back is up to it.

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