Saturday, March 28, 2015

There is a conspiracy afoot

to keep me from going to the range.

First with all the rain we have been having. The pressure changes as various weather fronts come through make my body scream and give me intense pain. Not to mention making it so wet, just getting out of my own driveway is an adventure.

Then, with all the weather and pressure changes coupled with my balance issues, I found myself falling the other day. Right now I feel like someone worked me over with a baseball bat. The other day my right hand was about useless after I smacked it against something as I fell down. Today I can use my hand, sorta, to type easier. Although trying to type normally with my pinkie hurts and makes my hand spasm.

But STILL no chance to get to the range. Nope the boys and I have to get the mower fixed so we can get the grass, which is now over 10 inches high, cut today and tomorrow. So the county doesn't come by and give us a ticket.

THAT is why I moved out into the sticks, so I wouldn't have to worry about stuff like that, but the city slickers are moving out this way. And while my side of the street is unincorporated county, the other side is a subdivision that has rules and stuff. and the guy across the street is constantly calling the county and complaining that I don't have my grass cut or I have "Junk" out in my yard. And the county rather than explaining that I don't have to follow the rules he does calls and harasses me.

Sorry guys, but I was here before you, my yard all 2 and a half acres was like this before you bought your 1/4 acre lot on the channel for 6 times what my family paid for my 10 times larger piece of property.

I am seriously considering paying a lawyer to remind the county and the guy across the street that I DON'T have any restrictions or covenants on my side of the street. And if I want my grass to be 3 feet tall, I can have my grass 3 feet tall. If I want to have a used car lot, as long as it it 50 feet from the road I can have it.

What is it with people who move into an area and then immediately try make everyone else conform to what they want rather than leaving them alone?

It's stuff like this that make me want to move even further out into the sticks.

I'm seriously considering moving out into the Chihuahuan Desert on the other side of the state to get away from people like that.

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