Friday, March 20, 2015

World Health Organization plays Politics with people lives in the balance

"WHO has acknowledged acting too slowly to control the Ebola epidemic. In its defense, the agency says the virus' spread was unprecedented and blames factors including lack of resources and intelligence from the field. Internal documents obtained by AP, however, show WHO's top leaders were informed of how dire the situation was. But they held off on declaring an emergency in part because it could have angered the countries involved, interfered with their mining interests or restricted the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca in October."

So, how many lives were lost because the WHO, was worried about making someone upset?

And how many times has this happened in the past?

And how will this affect future outbreaks?

Are you willing to put your life on the line?  What about your children's lives?  Your grand children's lives?

The WHO is supposed to be apolitical, with out politics.  Without borders.

And yet their own intenal e-mails show just the opposite.

And people DIED, because of that.

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