Thursday, April 2, 2015

Bill Whittle - Firewall - "SIR, I WILL NOT OBEY THAT ORDER."

My Sister In Law, had finally made Chief Petty Officer in the Navy Reserve 2 years ago.  Eight months later, 8 MONTHS LATER, she retired, rather than staying in and being run roughshod over by commanders who were more concerned with nickle and dime dot every i and cross every t no matter what, than with the training and readiness of those underneath their command.  She could no longer LEAD by example, she had to COACH and cajole, compliance, and still re responsible for anything that happened or didn't get finished to spec.

That is NOT how you run a military that will succeed.  That is how you destroy a military unit's morale, effectiveness, and readiness.

When I was in the Army Reserves, it was pretty laid back, but I NEVER would have NOT done what I was ordered to do, no matter WHAT.

Because I KNEW SSG, Bromsky would kick my A**, if I didn't. He wouldn't hand out a punitive beating, he would give me a set of lumps and then stay with me to make sure I got what needed to be done, done.  And once when I was COMPLETELY over my head, SSG Bromsky the man I was terrified of disobeying, became one of the most patient teachers, taking hours out of his own time, after drill, to help me to learn how to do my job PROPERLY.

I knew that if I effed up, I would get a set of lumps and I would deserve them.  However I also knew that if I really needed help, I would get it.

These days, an NCO can no longer deliver a set of lumps, and is forbidden to correct behaviors with anything other than talking too or writing someone up.  NCO's can't even YELL at screwups in some places.

I saw a video of new recruits going through Basic Training and I saw just how restricted they were compared to my DI's, which is nothing compared to DI's even further back in history.

And then look at what is happening today.

How will our nation have a force to defends us, if we can't even enforce proper training and behavior or our troops?

Obama wants to geld or neuter or armed forces, if he can continue, in just a few short years, you will find out our nations honor will be destroyed by stories like these.

Dutch state liable for 300 Srebrenica massacre deaths

The Massacre of Refugees in Congo

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