Monday, April 6, 2015

Concealed Carry =/= Open Carry

A friend of mine who lives in Maine posted this new story about the reaction of a local politician when the idea of lessening restrictions of Concealed Carry passed the Legislature.  The Politician in question is a Democrat.

"Another numb statement from a Democrat.. "Obviously, carrying a firearm in the open alerts the public — and law enforcement — of the gun’s presence. But if someone is going to be allowed to carry a deadly weapon in secret, Dion said, that person should have to demonstrate he or she is responsible and knows how to use a gun safely." #1. A citizen doesn't need to be "allowed" to do's called a right. Read the US and state Constitutions. Also nowhere in either does it say that only government and police should have guns and the manner to which they may be carried. #2. Laws have never prevented criminals from committing crimes. You would think a former sheriff would know that. If laws were that effective we really wouldn't need cops, jails and prisons. #3. So by his statement if you carry a gun openly (100% legal and has been for years) you don't have to demonstrate that you are responsible and know how to use a gun safely...because people can see it. However if you carry a gun concealed for whatever reason then you should have to prove those things. Yea....he's a smart one. The way the law is written now, you can't have a loaded handgun in a vehicle (goes for ATV's and snowmobiles too) unless you go through the process of getting a permit. It's for safety reasons they say...bullcrap. A gun is a gun and it's not any less safe because of a fee paid and a piece of paper. I hope this goes through this time and becomes law. Of course even if it does, down the road somebody can fight to get rid of it."

The story he is referring to is the following from the Bangor Daily News:

"Rep. Mark Dion, D-Portland, is a former Cumberland County sheriff and Portland police officer. He said Friday that open carry and concealed carry are fundamentally different acts.

Obviously, carrying a firearm in the open alerts the public — and law enforcement — of the gun’s presence. But if someone is going to be allowed to carry a deadly weapon in secret, Dion said, that person should have to demonstrate he or she is responsible and knows how to use a gun safely.

“If you open carry down Congress Street into Monument Square [in Portland], it’s going to cause some alarm with some individuals. But at the very least, you’re announcing the fact and there’s an opportunity for the police or others to react accordingly if you do anything that should cause concern,” he said. “I think it’s a bit flip to say, ‘This is just about throwing a coat on.’”

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