Thursday, April 30, 2015

Links!! Links I tell you!!

Chelsea Clinton's Claim That An Independent Watchdog Rated the Clinton Foundation As Among the World's Most Transparent Organizations is, Get This, a Complete Lie

Ooooohhhh, THAT'S gonna leave mark.

You're Not Quite Going to Believe This, But Hillary Clinton Is, Get This, Refusing to Disclose 1,100 of Her Big Money Foreign Donors

Are we ready for "All Hillary, ALL the Time", yet?

EXCLUSIVE: Adjudicated Pedophile Brett Kimberlin’s New Lawsuit Against Pretty Much the Right Half of the Blogosphere...
Hasn't he figured it out yet? The more he tries to hide his past and to get people to quit telling the Tru.... Uhhh I mean talking mean about him, the more this information comes out. And everyone knows, the Internet is F-O-R-E-V-E-R.

Salman Rushdie calls six writers “pussies” for boycotting PEN America Gala for giving Freedom of Expression Courage Award to Charlie Hebdo

More authors who go on my ignore list.

Christian prayer is banned in Quebec schools but spending $10,000 to fund soccer headbags for Muslim girls is just fine and dandy?

Don't you know, ONLY Allah is allowed in school you Infidel!! ~sarc

When SWAT teams meet their (literary) match . . .
Keyboard Alert, also monitor and sinuses. Diet Coke sting a little when it comes out of your nose.

Does anyone remember that modification for the AK type rifles so they safety lever could be used to hold the bolt back? If you do please post it in the comments.

Could A Tiny Five-Man Company Provide The Army’s Next Pistol?
Cool, I used to drive through Milstadt years back to see a girl I was trying to convince to date me.

Democrat answer: more spending
They've had decades of bri uhhh Anti-poverty spending, and the problem has only gotten WORSE. Maybe it's time to start "Cutting"

Unfortunately Correct...

M/V Maersk Tigris and Lawfare in Action
IANAL but make your own determination

That sound you hear is all our allies shuffling papers to re-examine their treaty relationships with us.
That is it in a nutshell.

Communist agitators
Yup, bought and paid for Civil Unrest

Orlando cop ruptures handcuffed mans spleen, takes cell pictures
Sorry, but I used to work in a jail, Our protocols said ANYTIME a prisoner was injured even if minor, they HAD to be cleared by EMS Personnel.

I'm done for now. My head is startting to hurt again. According to the NWS website another front is coming into the area. Good Night.

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