Sunday, April 19, 2015

Soggy Links, and NOT the Golf Course

It's sooo wet the last 3 weeks I can't get to the range.  And even the golf course at the Country Club is shut down because the golf carts were tearing up the links.

The reason I mention the gold course is because this morning, the Cops and the Sheriff's office had 7 officers/deputies, involved in a pursuit of a golf cart with a male driver and female passenger.  The pursuit went on for over 40 MINUTES!  I'm not kidding.

Some background of town.  Rockport, like many other Texas towns allows people to drive their own personal golf carts on the streets in town.  I won't explain how that came about, but let's just say wealthy people and the Country Club and it's Golf Course were involved.  People will drive their personal golf carts from their homes to the course, then from the course to the grocery store, liquor store or even on of the local bars, after a round or two of golf.  Several people use their electric golf carts as their primary mode of transportation.  I've talked to a few of them.  Let's just say they think that all of their personal electricity comes from the windfarm down the road in Gregory, and not the Natural gas and Coal powered electrical plants.  Yeah, they are one of "THOSE" special snowflakes.

But, the story.

I keep waking up, in order to change positions, because the weather has my entire body in major pain.  So I wake up shift position and go back to sleep 7 to 11 times a night.  Sometimes I fall right back asleep, sometimes I'm up for an hour or longer before falling back to sleep.  This morning was one of those.

I woke up about 4:15 this morning, my knee and hip was not being particularly nice to me at the moment.  I shift position, grab the extra pillows and put one under my knee and one slightly under my hip to try to take weight off them.  Then I try to go back to sleep.  It's maybe 4:40 maybe 4:50 I'm like half awake, half asleep when I hear something strange come over the scanner..  Did that officer say something about a "Golf Cart"?  I was immediately fully awake.  An officer was in pursuit of a golf cart occupied 2 times.  About a mile away from any of the places it should be.  And it was a FAST golf cart.  As part of the local ordinance, golf carts are limited to no more than 30 mph, yes 30 miles per hour.  Granted the golf cart store down the road has a couple that will do 50 mph easily.  And this cart evidently was also one of the 4 wheel drive models, as it had no problem going through ditches, peoples yards, jumping across the highway s grass median that bogged down the sheriffs office Tahoe so it needed to be pulled out with a tow truck.

This chase went on for over 40 minutes, and went from over a mile south of town to almost to the causeway north of town.  And here is the kicker.  The units in pursuit lost the golf cart over a dozen times   Granted it was because they couldn't drive through yards and ditches as they'd get stuck themselves.

But I laid in bed for over 40 minutes listening to them chase this golf cart all over the county and city, giggling my fool head off the entire time.  It was about 6:00 am this morning when I finally got back to sleep.

But on with the links now:

24 dead, 28 safe, hundreds missing as Med migrant boat sinks
I hate to say this as I'm going to sound like a major jerk, but all of those boats/illegal immigrants/migrants need to be sent straight back to where they came from. The charity of the rest of the world has a limit, and we cannot take care of the entire world. Especially with the financial markets of the world on the verge of a complete collapse. And if you think the markets are just fine, well all I ask is that you look to the past in order to see the future. And do not rely on those hucksters trying to sell you some special "Buy my program get rich in days" guys.

Almonds get roasted in debate over California water use
Sorry folks, you voted in those idiots, appointed the idiots to the bench, and sued your little fool heads off to get what you want and to Hades with reality. I'm just sorry that the ordinary hard working people have to be harmed because of YOUR stupidity. When your states final collapse comes and it is coming, you idiots should be restricted form leaving the state and inflicting your stupidity on the rest of the country. You made your bed, you should be forced to lie in it.

Researcher denied flight after tweet poking United security
They got their undies in a knot because he is doing his job and pointing out their screwups.

The Latest: Germany says migrant smugglers must be stopped
See my comments above.

Iran's powerful Guard rejects inspection of military sites
Of course they do. A contact of mine says certain persons in their community within the intelligence community are freaking out right now over some evidence of just WHAT Iran actually has. They won't say what as they don't want any possible leak which could come back on them, but they are worried. VERY Worried. Another contact when asked about this, won't return my messages any more and asked me where I had heard that.

World finance leaders see threats ahead for global economy
See above again.

ISIL video purports to show killing of Ethiopian Christians
Purports? Purports to show? Remember when the media didn't couch it's terms and wasn't afraid to tell the truth?

A veil of secrecy shields hospitals where outbreaks occur
Sorry, any hospital that intentionally hides necessary information should be held criminally liable as well as civilly liable. Start throwing these idiots who are playing craps with the lives of you and your family in prison for a few years and this will stop happening. No more CYA garbage, start locking people up and taking them for everything they have. Maybe THEN they will be responsive to their mission to HEAL not hide.

FBI overstated forensic hair matches in nearly all trials before 2000
Yet just ANOTHER Reason NOT to trust any federal enforcement agency. Or any Law Enforcement Agency since many states use the FBI Lab to back up their own findings if they even have a lab of their own. Way to go guys and gals. Destroy any credibility you may have had and bring ANY investigation you are connected to under a veil of suspicion.

Secret Service chief's competence questioned after gyrocopter incident
Excuse me? The only issue here is his subordinates competence, not his. There were MANY people who should have been aware of the gentleman and his plan. And yet dozens of people are either too incompetent to do their jobs or colluding to try to get their boss fired. The USS Director cannot fire people just like the head of the DEA can't fire people. Because the freaking UNION won't allow it. There are a few other factors involved as well, but you'll have to look for those yourself, since many won't believe it if I tell them. Personally, Federal employees need to be held to a MUCH higher standard, and I"m sorry, but public sector unions need to go. You work for the people of the United States of America, not some union, therefore you need to be responsible to those people you work for.

'91 PERCENT SURE' Graham ready to run for president, but needs cash
Oh HAIL NO! No GOP "Old Guard" NONE!

US Army Will Close 10 Warrior Transition Units
Just another case of screwing our servicemen and women out of what we promised them. The Transition Units were underfunded, understaffed and underutilized. And now they are closing some of them and yet the funds supposedly saved won't be rolled into the other TU"s it will disappear into the bureaucracy and will never be seen again. And our troops get screwed again.

Image Source: Texas Department of Public Safety

Shocking Images Released by Authorities in Texas Show Individuals Cross Border With Drugs, Guns
Do you see those? AK-47's? According to a contact who was recently transferred out of the area, they have also found Semtex Wrappers, empty blasting caps packaging with Arabic and Slavic Language written on them. Cardboard ammunition boxes with Farsi and Arabic writing on them, fired and unfired 7.62X39 with Iranian and Pakistani headstamps and American headstamps. Quran's in 5 different languages at last count including Tagalog. Bloody bandages, over a dozen dead bodies several of them of "Asian" origin. (They were directed to no longer say "Middle Eastern" in their reports. Hints of the UK anyone?)

Chicago schools chief to take temporary leave amid probe
Forget it Jake, it's Chicago.

Plumber testifies drug squad burst in, took tuition money
The officers involved need to go to prison and their supervisors need to lose their P.O.S.T. Certification as well as their jobs.

Kiev lists Russian military units allegedly in Ukraine
There are a couple more he didn't list.

That's it for me. I'm going to lie down and watch some NASCAR.

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