Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Some links for you

Thousands of new Lerner emails found
The truth will finally come out AFTER the Democrats no longer have the Presidency. Unless the GOP goes turtle again. In that case, we will NEVER find out the truth of the matter.

NFL Will End Its Tax-Exempt Status, Goodell Tells Owners
I give it 20-45 days before the stories that have been buried until then, start coming out.

Maersk Tigris ship manager declines comment, Pentagon says Iran boards vessel
Look for more and more transgressions against U.S. Sovereignty. Iran is just LOOKING for a reason to start something. With Saudi Arabia, U.A.E. and others coming after their proxies and exposing Iran's efforts to control the area, they will do ANYTHING they can to divert attention away from that. Think of it as the worlds largest game of "Chicken"

Paranoia catches Abbott attention: gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover
I got nuttin.

181 Clinton Foundation donors who lobbied Hillary's State Department
From Vox, I'm SHOCKED, shocked I tell you. (10 points if you get the reference)

That Time Bill Clinton Ran Ads Attacking His Rivals For Taking Money From Foreign Interests
Rules for thee, not for meeee. Does anyone else notice it's the Liberal sites that are bringing out he most damaging revelations about the Clintons right now?

GOP has few options to get Clinton emails short of arresting her
Why don't they? They have a Sergeant At Arms. Send him and his deputies after her. FORCE her and her minions to cough up the data, or hold her in a small cell until she complies.

Judge sets deadline for deadline to release Hillary Clinton emails
Rose Law Firm documents all over again.

Finland fires warning shots at 'foreign submarine' near Helsinki
Three Guesses and the first two don't count.

New bird flu cases probable in Iowa, millions of birds affected: Iowa
Watch China levels of censorship to start.

Intel report warns gang attacks on white cops could spread nationally
I'm surprised it has taken this long, considering how the police have run roughshod over the Black and Hispanic Communities.

UN chief praises pope for framing climate change as moral imperative, says encyclical
Your Holiness, go fornicate yourself. Show me you degree in climate science, show me uncorrupted and unaltered data. Otherwise, SHUT UP!

California prepares for the next ‘big one’
Could it have anything to do with certain TBM's that were built off the books and vanished in Nevada?

Watchdog blasts State Dept., Clintons after four-year battle for documents
I said it before "Rose Law Firm"

Agency: DOE's green energy loans won't make a profit
They were never intended to. They were to pay back campaign donors and sweet heart deals to fleece the taxpayer.

National Guard, police descend on Baltimore
I just hope calmer heads will prevail.

The original version. I'll post their later versions in a bot. Tell me which you prefer in the comments.

U.S. Senate rejects bid to toughen Iran nuclear review bill
As I posted on the book of face. There is a "Deal" With Lynch's confirmation, and this refusal to hold any treaty to the highest standard, there has been cut, a "Deal". Two of my little birdies are saying the Dems are going to help the Mainline GOP force out and marginalize the Conservative GOP members. Basically the deal is to neuter the conservatives in the Senate and the House. With full collusion of McConnell and Boehner.

Lawmakers seek to end phone data collection
Smoke and Mirrors that has no chance of passing. It's a feel good bill to make it look like the GOP is actually following through on their campaign promises. The "Deal" won't allow it to come to a serious vote.

U.S. Supreme Court appears sharply divided on gay marriage
I'm sorry but 3 members of SCOTUS should be recusing themselves on this case. But they won't because they are part of the agenda. What I want is a lawsuit that challenges that the government has any right or authority to regulate marriage in any way shape or form.

Viewers Left Dumbfounded by CNN Anchor’s Police Brutality Theory: ‘I Love Our Nation’s Veterans, but…’
Can we please have her taken into custody for terminal stupidity? Before she hurts herself. For her own good of course.

Something Bizarre Is Going on With This Movie’s Rotten Tomatoes Page That Has Stunned Filmmakers Speaking Out
The disconnect between the "Approved" reviewers and the public is starkly shown here.

This is the second version of the song. There is still one more version. Leave a comment with which one you prefer.

PIERS MORGAN: As another US city burns with rage, is Obama going to be the President who did less for black Americans than a white one did?
He'll be known as the President who sold out not just his supposed race, (He's Arab/Caucasian, NOT Black), he sold out the entire nation.

As Baltimore burns Hillary is slammed for hawking her free campaign BUMPER STICKER on Twitter
Just showing what her true priorities are.

'Democratic Socialist' Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders will run for president, joining Hillary Clinton and running far to her political left

At least he is honest about how cuckoo he actually is.

Hillary supported export of nuke technology to India after Clinton Foundation got cash infusion from Indian politician - and it wasn't even his own money!

Clinton for a safer world. Riiiiiiight. And some people actually believe that.

Can you handle Taco Bell's hottest EVER hot sauce? FEMAIL puts the devilish Diablo to the test
I guess I'll be going to taco bell and getting as many Diablo sauce packets as I can.

CIA manager 'removed from his job for abusive management' is back and in charge of drone strikes
Excuse me? Why can we NOT fire Federal Employees?

Kung-Fu flight attendants: Chinese stewardesses practise hand-to-hand combat in grueling training academy where they are taught to be elegant, professional... and deadly

Are any of them looking for a husband?

Father born with severe facial disfigurement is branded 'cruel' after he and his wife decide to keep baby daughter who also has the condition - and insists 'I'll tell her she's beautiful every day'

Can I get the addresses of the people who are slamming this man and his family? Please? I have some aggression I need to work out.

This it for me tonight.  Please let me know which version of the song you like in the comments.

I need to lay down, my back is starting to spasm again.

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