Thursday, April 23, 2015

Some more links for you

No funny anecdotes today, but there are some rather important stories in the links today.  I won't point them out to you though.  If you know anything about pattern recognition though, you should see the pattern.

POLICE: HALLIBURTON explosives reported missing...
These are basically blasting caps about the size of a glue stick. Coupled with some stories I've been hearing of incidents that HAVEN'T been making the news, Things like disappearances of Fertilizer, full Anhydrous Ammonia tanks, Crude Oil storage tanks which are being checked for leaks because their contents don't match the records, and lot's of yard gates having to have locks cut off and replaced, because someone tampered with them. Increased thefts of copper wire from rig sites, cut fences which so far has been attributed to illegal immigrants, but coupled with the thefts has certain people asking for help from D.C. which HASN'T been provided. And it's not just in Texas. I've heard of thefts and vandalism in Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma.

The Disastrous Clinton Post-Presidency
There will be a few things coming out in the next week or so which might torpedo Hillary completely. All I've been hearing is it has something to do with Huma Abedin.

Obama delivers remarks on climate change at Everglades National Park, Florida
Looks kinda skeletal there doesn't he? There is a rumor that he is undergoing treatment for HIV. That is JUST a rumor. However, remember Bill Clinton for years denied he had Herpes until Paula Jones Lawsuit got it entered into evidence.

Russia masses more forces near Ukraine border
Break out a SW radio, get a patch cord to plug it into your computer, download Hamscopeor a similar program, and tune in to the Russian HF Frequencies. Note you won't get the best reception unless it is night time there. You will be surprised what you may be able to hear and decode.

The White House And Soros-Backed Open Borders Group Strategize About Bribing Immigrants To Naturalize Before 2016

It's worse than you think.

Senate confirms Loretta Lynch as attorney general
There WAS a deal, and the Dems will renege.

Clinton charities will refile YEARS of tax returns after misreporting tens of millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments

If this was you or I, we would be sitting at the Defendants table in a criminal prosecution.

I need to stop for a bit. Something weird is going on on the scanner.

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