Saturday, May 2, 2015

Brigid's Book - Saving Grace - A Story of Adoption - is now available on Kindle

And I just bought it.  The deadtree version is currently sold out, but since I do 90% of my reading on my computer, phone or tablet I was just waiting for the Kindle version to come out.

You can get your own Kindle Copy at the following link: L.B. Johnson - Saving Grace - A Story of Adoption

I also bought Michael Z. Williamson's A Long Time Until Now

And since I missed Travis Taylor's next two novels in his Tau Ceti Agenda, I got those two as well, One Good Soldier and Trail of Evil.

I'm still waiting for OldNFO aka J.L. Curtis to announce the release of the next book in his Grey Man series.  I was one of the Alpha readers on parts of it to catch some of the errors and I CANNOT wait until I can finish reading the rest.  I keep re-reading the sections he sent me over and over plus the first two of the series to try to keep from having withdrawal symptoms.

If you don't hear from me over the weekend, I'm either at the range shooting a couple of new toys or reading.


  1. Hoping for a June release sir!

  2. And I"ll be buying it when it comes out. :)

  3. Thanks for the shout out. I've been off line for a few days with an internet service provider change but for a few brief hellos using hubby's phone. I appreciate the support and hope you enjoy this story as much as Barkley's.



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